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celebrity gigs list of celebrities who tested positive for covid-19. by miiro allan march 28, 2020
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african leaders criticised over international criminal court. by walakira october 5, 2013 0 in his book, ''all things pass, except the past” luc huyse, the author is discussing the world’s conflicts and how the international community has tried to solve them. some of. read moredetails
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miss uganda wanted by police over child stealing. by walakira october 4, 2013 0 miss uganda 2008, miss dorah mwima is not a happy woman these days as the police are hunting for her over a child she is keeping illegally. miss uganda is. read moredetails
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list of people violating human rights in uganda with impunity. by walakira october 3, 2013 0 there are several reports in the local and foreign media that ugandan government commits arbitrary or unlawful killings. according to media records available within and outside uganda, uganda’s special security. read moredetails
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human rights violations on increase in uganda. by walakira october 3, 2013 0 uganda is a constitutional republic led since 1986 by gen. yoweri museveni of the ruling national resistance movement (nrm) party, whom many people in uganda now believe has turned into. read moredetails
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al-qaida linked group operates bank in kampala. by walakira october 3, 2013 0 there is fear that a suspected al-qaida leaning group could be operating a small bank in kampala where it bases to fund its activities around africa. uganda’s security intelligence is. read moredetails
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somalis fleeing hunger, diseases and poverty pour into neighbouring kenya and uganda. by walakira october 3, 2013 0 somalis fleeing serial killers in mogadishu, insurgency, hunger, diseases and poor living conditions in somalia are pouring into neighbouring kenya where they later cross into uganda at an average of. read moredetails
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ethiopian troops scout al shabaab militants in somalia. by walakira october 3, 2013 0 mogadishu-ethiopian troops have undertaken military intelligence reconnaissance operations in wracked somalia but the country is not planning to engage in battle gun quarrel with the al shabaab militants. sources in. read moredetails
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uganda buys new russian fighter jets, battle tanks. by walakira october 2, 2013 0 it now seems the updf procurement has been streamlined. gone are the days when the ugandan army could buy junk helicopters, fighter jets and battle tanks among others. the latest. read moredetails
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why racism will never end? by walakira january 11, 2015 0 racism also known as racialism is political and social practices based on differences between races of people, and on the belief that one’s own race is the best. much of. read moredetails
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new al shabaab threats on ugandan president museveni. by walakira october 2, 2013 0 it what looks like a bid by al shabaab terrorists to destabilize east african community, they have threatened this time to target ugandan president gen. yoweri kaguta museveni. museveni. read moredetails
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