Stories Unusual

Intelligence briefing: Al Shabaab terrorists plan fatal attack on Uganda

Intelligence briefing: Al Shabaab terrorists plan fatal attack on Uganda Uganda’s intelligent network has got information that the Al Shabaab fighters are planning to use masked men and women to gun political and religious gatherings in Uganda. A source in state intelligence told our reporters that the fighters want to launch simultaneous attacks even on […]

Security beefed up in Kampala as Al Shabaab plan second launch

The UPDF has beefed up security in Kampala following intelligence reports that the Al Shabaab fighters were planning another assault on Uganda ahead of the second anniversary of the July 11th, 2010 Kampala bombings. The security organs in Kampala, including the police, Military Police, UPDF and other security network have beefed up the security to […]

Ugandans want David Cameroon crucified over his attempt to pressurize Uganda to accept homosexuality

    As Ugandans are preparing to celebrate the 50 years of independence this year, the UK prime minister, David Cameroon is threatening to cut the British to Uganda because of president Museveni’s strong stand against perpetuating homosexuality. But sections of Ugandans have been overheard on the streets of Kampala as saying that “we don’t […]

Foods to avoid when suffering from candidiasis

  The fungus that causes candidiasis feeds on sugar and yeast, so you must absolutely avoid all types of foods containing these substances during initial phase of treatment. During the course of candidiasis infection, avoid foods with mold aged cheese, nuts, nut butters and consuming alcohol contents is not good for people undergoing candidiasis treatment. […]

How to pack right food for your school going children

  Parents and guardians and or caretakers are advised to pack the right food to the school going children. Foods like Breads, crackers, cassava and sweet potatoes pieces are good for your school going children during break time. Because these foods provide energy needed to fuel the body throughout the day, fresh fruits like bananas, […]

MPs probe KCCA corruption

  The MPs sitting on the committee of Presidential Affairs have started probing into the bickering at Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). The Members of Parliament are also investigating the bickering and corruption at KCCA. They have only two weeks to give a report of their findings to the speaker of parliament, Ms Rebecca Kadaga. […]

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