Stories Unusual

Recommended food for glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease which affects or causes loss of sight, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball. Recommended food for glaucoma: caretenoids are essential for optimum eye health. Consume plenty of orange, yellow and green leafy vegetables. The bioflavonoid anthocynidin fights free radicals and helps to keep the collagen around the eye healthy and […]

Parasitic infections

Parasitic infections: Guardia is the most common example of parasitic infections. This parasite is transmitted through the fecal oral route, mainly through water contamination. In most cases there are no symptoms of parasitic infections shown clearly and the symptoms if at all shown usually take one to three weeks after exposure to appear. In cases […]

Chemical food poisoning, examples of chemical food poisoning

Chemical food poisoning: Plants or animals that contain a naturally occurring poison fall under the heading of chemical food poisoning. The common examples are wild mushrooms e.g. amanita phalloides, wild and domestic plants such as yew, nightshade, castor bean, and many others. Other things that can cause chemical poisoning are fish, shellfish; fruits and vegetables […]

Recommended foods for gout

Recommended foods for gout: After the pain has subsided, introduce whole grains, nuts, seeds and soy products into your meals. These foods are high in fibre, which encourages the elimination of uric acid and soy products are excellent vegetarian sources of protein. Berries especially cherries, strawberries and blueberries, and neutrised uric acid are also equally […]

Recommended foods for hepatitis B patients

During the acute phase of hepatitis B, it is recommended that you consume soups, broths, diluted vegetable juices, herbal teas and steamed vegetables. Brown rice and non-red meat protein sources such as free-range turkey or chicken, legumes and fish reduce foods that are causing (toxins) the liver e.g. fried foods, refined sugar products, foods containing […]

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