By Isaac Senabulya on September 5, 2016
2002, 2016, a leader can receive a gift and not declare it to the inspectorate of government if it's below five currency points in value and it's in form of a souvenir, assets and liabilities as one of the ways to prevent those with access to the public purse from fraudulently enriching themselves., Bill to amend the Leadership Code Act, declare all donations and gifts, Inspectorate of Government, jurisdictions, lawmakers on the committee of legal and parliamentary affairs committee to justify its introduction, Leadership Code Act, Leadership Code Act provides for minimum standard of behaviour and conduct for leaders and requires leaders to routinely declare their income, Leadership Code Tribunal, minister of ethics Simon Lokodo, Parliament passes the Leadership Code (Amendment) Bill, principal Act, Under the principal Act
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All leaders subject to the Leadership Code Act will soon be expected to declare all donations and gifts of whatever value and nature if Parliament passes the Leadership Code (Amendment) Bill, 2016. Under the principal Act, a leader can receive a gift and not declare it to the inspectorate of government if it’s below five […]