By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
academic credentials, academic results, course students, financial situations, grant, length, masters level, Masters Scholarships, scholarship application, scholarship recipients, tuition grant, undergraduate scholarship program, year group
Sciences Scholarships
Emile Boutmy Scholarship: The Emile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements. Scholarship Application Eligibility Requirements Students from outside of the European Union who have been offered a place to study at undergraduate or Masters level are eligible. This scholarship is awarded […]
By Gerald Businge on January 30, 2012
academic credentials, East, education, government, government of uganda, increment, interventions, kampala, minister, order, programme, promotion, promotion scheme, salary increment, salary scales, scheme, smiles, teachers salaries, today, uganda, year 2012
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The Government of Uganda is preparing to introduce a teachers’ scheme in the financial year 2012/13 in order to enable teachers get higher qualifications and consequently receive promotions. This was reveled to the media today in Kampala by education and sports minister, Jessica Alupo who said that the move is one of the government’s interventions […]