By Walakira on February 5, 2013
acids, head, imbalance, skin
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
ROSACEA is an inflammatory skin disorder in which the nose, the cheeks, the fore head and or the chin are chronically reddened and prone to breaking out in acne-like welts. It is caused by repeated exposure to rosacea triggers such as alcohol, wind, sun, and low levels of stomach acids. Constipation, a diet that is […]
By Walakira on September 18, 2012
acids, seed, source, zinc
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
In general one should eat wholesome meals made with organic vegetables, grains and soy products. Eat fish several times a week but also make sure that that fish is from clean water sources. Eating products which have vitamin E nourishes the endocrine system. So use cold-pressed nut and seed oils for cooking or as a […]
By Walakira on August 23, 2012
acids, body, essential minerals, skin
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
To make pawpaw facial scoop the fresh out of a pawpaw and rub the skin over your own to exfoliate. Use the mashed up bits of the fruit as a face mask. Optionally you can add some natural yogurt for some extra skin-refining acid and bacteria. You may leave on for some 20 minutes […]
By Walakira on August 13, 2012
acids, body, essential minerals, stomach
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Pawpaw is a pharmacy in its own right. Many people eat pawpaw and enjoy it but they have no idea that the fruit is very nutritious and that it makes a good facial. The Pawpaw fruit is high in vitamin B which helps the body to turn foods into energy and tissues. Pawpaw is rich […]
By Walakira on August 10, 2012
acids, fish, immune system, skin
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
It is recommended that herpes patients cConsume foods that are rich in the amino acid (L-lysine), as they may inhibit herpes virus replication. The recommended foods for herpes include legumes, fish, turkey, chicken and most vegetables. Other recommended foods include Bell pappers, brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes and other brightly coloured vegetables and fruits that […]
By Walakira on July 19, 2012
acids, bacteria, cause, influenza
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Modern medical science and journals shows that coconuts provide a wide range of health benefits. Scientists have discovered that coconut kills viruses that cause influenza, and herpes. It has also been discovered that it kills the viruses that cause measles, hepatitis and other illnesses. Coconuts kill the bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
30 minutes, acids, Avoid, baby oil, Causes, corn, corns, fitting shoes, high heeled shoes, oil, pumice, pumice stone, remover, sensation, socks, Stone, treatment, warm water, water
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Wearing of closed high heeled shoes is one of the major causes of corns (enkyakya). Some of the remedies for corns are as follows: Use a pumice stone to gently rub the corns after soaking them in warm water for about 30 minutes. Apply baby oil on it and never use a sharp blade […]