By Gerald Businge on December 30, 2011
Action, blood stains, deal, family, family conflict, fight, fist fight, Grace Katima, Kamokya, Kasami, katima, Police, police detective, police station, road, sister, sister grace, three kids, URA, witchdoctors
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
URA’s Apollo Kasami’s ex-girlfriend, Grace Katima is involved in a deadly family conflict. The conflict started a couple of weeks back when Kasami made a deal with her young brother Ronald Mugasa in which the brother was to receive 10m and instead brought him 3m. We are told by a family pal that immediately after […]
By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2011
Action, Auto, chairman, decision, democratic change, Draft, evidence, FDC, forum, Nabilah, NRM, opposition mp, party, party supporters, president, President Museveni, reporter, ruling party, statehouse, woman, woman mp
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Stories Unusual
It is hard to believe that an opposition MP can be accused by her own party of selling the party supporters to the ruling NRM. The FDC is accusing Kampala woman MP, Nabilah Sempala of colluding with the FDC Kampala chairperson, Livingstone Kizito to persuade some FDC youth to defect to the ruling party. A […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Action, climate change, climate change summit, climate conference, climate negotiations, conference, Developing countries, dismay, Durban climate talks, fight, framework convention on climate change, G77, Group, hoc working group, kyoto protocol, level segment, news, president of south africa, progress, Science, Subsidiary, subsidiary body, united nations framework convention on climate change, Working
news & events
News Release: “The challenges and difficulties of these negotiations cannot be faced with dismay and must not lead us to give up without a fight,” said Ambassador Jorge Argüello the Chair of the G77 and China at the opening of the UN climate conference. “We hope all Parties will come to Durban prepared to make the […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Action, Action Aid, Africana, appeal, bad faith, bill, centre, Civil Society organizations, conference, CSOs, director centre, head of parliament, hotel africana, Major, management bill, Okwir Rabwooni, order, order management, parliamentary affairs, political discussions, space
Latest Uganda News
Civil society organizations have asked parliament to clean the proposed public order management bill which was tabled before parliament because in its present form is intended to violate people’s rights. The civil society organizations made the demand a head of parliament public hearing on the public order management by the legal and parliamentary affairs committee […]