By Tumwine Edward on July 31, 2018
Age limit, Age Limit Bill, Age Limit Ruling, Awinyi Dollo, Cheborion Barishak, Don Wanyama, Elizabeth Musoke, freedom fighters, Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo, Justice Kakuru, Mbale High Court, Museveni, NRM, President Museveni, Remmy Kasule, uganda constitution, Uganda Judiciary, Uganda parliament, Yoweri Kaguta
Laws of Uganda, Politics, Politics & Governance

“Unfortunately, our judges in Uganda spend more time on form and not substance, on procedure and not substance” is one of the many controversial statements that President Museveni said in response to the the recent judgement on the Age-limit. In a statement released on his website, he took a swipe at the judges and boasted […]
By Isaac Senabulya on December 19, 2017
Age limit, Electoral Commission, President Yoweri Museveni
General, Latest Uganda News, Politics, Politics & Governance

The MPs opposed to the age limit amendment sitting on the legal and parliamentary Affairs committee have accused parliament for denying them funds to carry out consultations on the presidential age limit bill. A report read by the Kumi district MP Monica Amoding stated that failure for parliament to give the committee funds to get […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 29, 2017
Age limit, opposition mps

The opposition members of parliament have today officially returned to parliament for official duties two months after the brutal incidents that happened to a number of MPs when they battled with SFC on September 27th. Led by the leader of opposition in parliament Winnie Kiiza , opposition mps will await to be accorded time when they […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 16, 2017
Age limit, Jacob Oboth Oboth, Justice George Kanyeihamba
Latest Uganda News, Politics

Justice George Kanyeihamba has described the controversial age limit removal bill as one dividing and tearing the country into pieces. Kanyeihamba said so while appearing before the parliamentary legal and parliamentary Affairs committee chaired by West Budama South MP Jacob Oboth-Oboth which is seeking views from different stakeholders regarding the age limit removal bill. RELATED:Take […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 10, 2017
Age limit, Isaac Musumba, Museveni
Latest Uganda News, Politics

The minister of state for urban Development Isaac Musumba ferried his constituents to parliament to endorse the presidential age limit bill. This followed a resolution from leaders of the ruling National Resistance Movement in Buzaaya, Kamuli District on 14th October voting against the removal of the presidential age limit from the Constitution. A section of older […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 8, 2017
Age limit, Ken Lukyamuzi, Nobert mao
Featured, Latest Uganda News, Politics

President of the Conservative Party Ken Lukyamuzi says that the legal and parliamentary affairs committee should take the views on the age limit removal from the opposition seriously. Lukyamuzi says that the leaders from the Democratic Party that s Norbert Mao, Fred Mukasa Mbidde and representatives from JEEMA appeared before the committee against the wishes […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 6, 2017
Age limit, Age Limit removal, Aleper Aachilla Margaret, parliament uganda
Featured, General, Latest Uganda News, Politics

Voters in Kotido district have unanimously agreed to the scrapping of the presidential age limit. This agreement came during a consultative meeting with the area Member of Parliament Aleper Aachilla Margaret held at Kotido district church of Uganda St Philips community Centre. The Karimajongs say that parliament should immediately pass age limit to enable president […]
By Isaac Senabulya on November 1, 2017
Age limit

The legal and parliamentary Affairs committee scrutinizing the presidential age limit bill has given the medical experts two weeks to produce a report determining age impact on leadership. The committee request came while meeting the members of the Uganda medical Association over the bill led by the Association’s president Dr.Ekwaro Obuku. The committee chaired by Jacob […]
By Isaac Senabulya on September 18, 2017
Age limit, Evelyn Anite, Sam Lyomoki, Theodore Sekikubo, uganda constitution
The NRM group opposed to age limit removal from the constitution is up for a move to censure minister of state for investment and privatization Evelyn Anite over her plot to remove the age limit from the constitution. The anti-age limit group which include the mp for workers mp Dr.Sam Lyomoki ,Kasanda north MP Patrick Nsamba ,manjiya […]
By Gerald Businge on September 15, 2016
Age limit, Constitution, Jugdes, Parliament
Justice, Latest Uganda News, Laws

Parliament has indefinitely deferred the motion to amend the constitution to lift the age limit for judges. Parliament threw out the motion in proceedings chaired by the speaker of parliament Rebecca kadaga which was seeking leave to cause a constitutional amendment to allow the extension of the serving age of judicial officers on the basis that the mover who is […]