By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, Awards, Communication, country nationals, Deadline, development, development innovation, Environmental, exposure, guidance, innovation policy, internship award, internship awards, Natural, natural resources management, Regional, research activities focus, research internships, research priorities, Social, staff, staff internships, training, visit
Africa scholarships
IDRC Internship Award: The IDRC Internship awards provide exposure to research for international development through a program of training in research management and grant administration under the guidance of IDRC program staff. Internships will be considered for a program of training and research responding to IDRC’s research priorities. IDRC’s research activities focus on four Program […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, capacity, change, education, experiential, form curriculum vitae, grants training, Human, human rights education, human rights educators, human rights institutions, human rights organizations, IHRTP, international grants, law scholarships, law school scholarships, montreal quebec canada, role, scholarships, training, understanding, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program: The International Human Rights Training Program is a three-week participatory training on human rights education conducted around June of every year for human rights educators. The training is conducted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The annual three-week training session brings together approximately 120 participants from over 60 countries. The International […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, capacity, change, education, experiential, form curriculum vitae, grants training, Human, human rights education, human rights educators, human rights institutions, human rights organizations, IHRTP, international grants, law scholarships, law school scholarships, montreal quebec canada, role, scholarships, training, understanding, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Environment issues
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program: The International Human Rights Training Program is a three-week participatory training on human rights education conducted around June of every year for human rights educators. The training is conducted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The annual three-week training session brings together approximately 120 participants from over 60 countries. The International […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, candidate specification, experience, home, home jurisdiction, international lawyers, jurisdiction, leading law firms, minimum, placement, placement candidates, resolution, state lawyers, training, travel, UK, underground trains, visa fee, Work, Work Experience Placements, Working, written undertaking
Africa scholarships
Work Experience Placements in UK: Applications invited for 3 months training & work experience placements in London. International Lawyers for Africa (ILFA) is an initiative set up by leading law firms and academics, which aims to develop African lawyers’ legal skills in international law, banking and finance, corporate and commercial law and dispute resolution in […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
African, application, candidate, centre, college scholarships, Deadline, development, field scholarship, graduate, Graduate scholarships, Health, knowledge, london university, Nationals, scholarship application, scholarship deadline, Scholarship Eligibility, scholarships, scholarships college, Scholarships for Africans, UCL, University College London
Africa scholarships
African Graduate Scholarships: The University College London offers The African Graduate Scholarships to African Nationals and Permanent residents. The scholarships exist to support African nationals with a high-quality academic and professional background who wish to further develop their skills and knowledge in their specific field. Scholarship Eligibility: The candidate must be an African national and […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
abject, abject poverty, academic scholarships, application, application materials, Child, cycle of poverty, disease, education, employment, family instability, foundation scholarships, guidance, land, land productivity, one, Palmhouse, Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships, scholarships, scholarships foundation, school scholarships, secondary scholarships, Single, vicious cycle of poverty
Africa scholarships
Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships: Palmhouse Foundation provides Palmhouse Foundation scholarships to bright and talented children from families that are financially challenged by diverse circumstances and most of whom have attended poorly equipped rural primary schools. Without the Palmhouse Foundation scholarships, their future remains bleak and are likely to remain trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
accountability, application, capacity, career, citizen participation, Decentralisation, development, education, education scholarships, international scholarships, local economic development, local governance, MDG, ministry of foreign affairs, Netherlands, netherlands organisation, NFP, non governmental organisations, priority groups, scholarships, Service, Short, skilled manpower, Summercourse
Africa scholarships
Short Courses Scholarships: The Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC) offers the opportunity to apply for scholarships for the following training courses being conducted soon. – Training Peacebuilding and Local Governance – Training Local Service Delivery and MDG’s – Training Local Economic Development – Summercourse Decentralisation and Local Governance – Training Citizen […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
african institution, application, application criteria, award, bachelors degree, basis, Course, eligible subjects, english language proficiency, GBP, Health, human resource management, one, postgraduate college, postgraduate scholarship, Postgraduate Scholarships, purpose, scholarship scheme, Social, UK, University, waiver, Work
Africa scholarships
West Africa Scholarship Scheme: Durham University will be awarding three postgraduate scholarships to outstanding candidates from West Africa. Each scholarship is awarded in the form of a one-year postgraduate taught tuition fee waiver; one each in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health, Faculty of Science and Durham Business School. This means that students do […]
By Gerald Businge on March 14, 2012
academic year, application, candidate, completion, development, economics of development, education, equivalent, fund scholarship, international scholarships, international students scholarships, minimum cumulative gpa, OPEC, opec fund, poverty reduction, scheme, scholarship award, scholarship scheme, scholarships, time, training, Undergraduate Scholarships, winner
Masters Scholarships
OPEC Fund Scholarship Award: The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) is pleased to announce its Scholarship Award to support undergraduate students from developing countries in pursuit of higher education. Through its scholarship scheme, OFID aims to help highly motivated, highly driven individuals overcome one of the biggest challenges to their careers – the cost […]
By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
application, assurance, business, chemical, disease, expectancy, ghent university, global gap, governmental research, kidney problems, knowledge, life, national legislation, non profit organisations, participants, physical hazards, purpose, Quality, quality assurance standards, quality assurance systems, Scholarships for developing countries, University
International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis Grants: Ghent University – Department of Food Safety and Food Quality – is offering a three months International Training Program in Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis. Food safety is related to microbiological, chemical and physical hazards and is resulting in short […]