By Gerald Businge on March 26, 2012
Adaadi, bashir, Buyungo, Eng, eng eng, informers, juma, Kabaka, kamada, Kandada, kasim, Kibuuka, Lwanga, president, President Museveni, today, trial, tyaba, uganda, Uganda prisons, Walusimbi, zinda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Our news informers have today decided to bring you the names of people who have spent years in Uganda jails without receiving trial. Some of these people were arrested in 2009 during the Buganda riots. The riots broke out after president Museveni’s government blocked the Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II and his […]
By Gerald Businge on December 9, 2011
arrears, bashir, business tycoon, carpet, chief magistrate, court, court bailiffs, deputy mayor, development, home, House, Kalimu, kampala, land, lord, lord mayor, magistrate, Mayor, Pursuant, rent, section, shillings, sofas
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Household properties belonging to Kampala Deputy Mayor, Sula Kidandala have been attached by court bailiffs over accumulated house rent. Kidandala has been occupying a fully fledged residential house in Kawempe and failed to pay the land lord his rent amounting to 1,500,000 million shillings. We hear the house which Kidandala has been renting belongs to […]