By Gerald Businge on February 16, 2012
applicant organizations, basis, change, Deadline, decision maker, development, development and management, direction, eligible applicants, employment, english fluency, fellowship program, fluency, idea, minimum, organization, organization individuals, Organizations, profit organizations, start-up, time, time basis, time commitment
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Echoing Green Fellowship Program: The Echoing Green Fellowship is for those individuals with the next big idea for social change, and also have what it takes to start their own groundbreaking organization. Individuals as well as non-profit and for-profit organizations from any part of the world can apply for the fellowship. The criteria for applying […]
By Gerald Businge on February 15, 2012
academic, academic fellowships, Agriculture, agriculture program, animal agriculture, application, Awards, basis, country, country awards, Deadline, development, eligible candidate, graduate, Graduate Fellowships, home, leadership enhancement, research, Research Fellowships, thesis research, university mentor, USAID-assisted, visit, YEAR
The Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program: The Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) is a fellowship program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), to enhance the quality of thesis research of graduate students from developing countries. Awards will be made on a competitive basis to students who show strong […]
By Gerald Businge on February 3, 2012
basis, councilors, DP, fundraise, general, local councils, majority, money, MPs, NRM, opposition, opposition parties, Parliament, party, party members, political parties, politics of money, post, President General, queue, Secretary General
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
It seems most of the political parties in Uganda are currently designing measures of how they can mobilize funds from donors and members. After NRM, CP, Jeema have asked their respective party members and supporters to fundraise funds towards the daily management of their parties, the Democratic Party (DP) has also jumped on the queue. […]
By Gerald Businge on January 26, 2012
basis, bullets, cannot, change, daily basis, dialogue, doesn, government, government doesn, large numbers, leave, Mamdani, meaningful change, middle class, Professor Mamadan, renowned scholar, ruling, security, security organs, shot, Ugandans, unarmed protesters, use
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda’s leading and renowned scholar professor Mohmood Mamdani has said Ugandan opposition is too weak and it cannot takeover poor from the ruling government. The scholar says that for any meaningful change of government to take place inUgandathe people need to be willing to go on the streets in large numbers on a daily basis […]
By Gerald Businge on December 14, 2011
basis, cooperation, Democratic Party, finance secretary, hot hits, informers, isa, issa, join, kick boxing, Kyadondo, MASASACO, Member, MPs, music, musicians, Parliament, party, secretary, sports and music, toes, town
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News
It seems Kyadondo South MP Isa Kikungwe has discovered that some musicians in town earn more than MPs on a monthly basis. After he recently announced that he is not returning to parliament, Kikungwe has now told our informers that when he retires from politics he wants to concentrate on sports and music as well […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
airtel, basis, exploitation, government, mobile phone service, mobile phone service providers, Nyombi, Nyombi Tenbo, operation, phone, phone service providers, state minister, Telecom, telecommunication, telecommunication companies, telecommunications industry, Telephone, telephone companies, Thembo, Uganda Telecom, Uganda telecom companies, Uganda telecomunication, warid
Latest Uganda News
Ultimate Media The government has said that it will not renew the licenses of the mobile phone service providers if they do not improve services for their customers. The ICT State Minister, Nyombi Thembo while talking at the meeting of telecommunication companies in Kampala said that there are many reports from the general public complaining […]