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updf soldiers bribe to get deployed in somalia. by walakira on august 17, 2012 bribe , deployed , somalia , updf celebrity gigs , gossip , intelligence note , latest uganda news , stories unusual. due to chronic poverty and poor remuneration in uganda, we have been told that some uganda people’s defence forces (updf) junior officers, bribe in order to get deployed in somalia. sources say that the updf soldiers spend their insufficient income to bribe their senior army officers to be deployed in a dangerous country, somalia […].
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ugandans cheat europeans in homosexual crusades. by gerald businge on february 16, 2012 bribe , camouflage , crusades , europe , europe and america , europeans , homos , homosexuality and lesbianism , homosexuals , swindle , ugandans , united states dollars , usa celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. ugandans are next to nigerians in conning europeans and americans billions of euros and united states dollars. ugandans know that americans and europeans want to sale homosexuality and lesbianism in africa. but most governments in africa are against homosexuality. so many ugandans flee to usa and to europe claiming that they are being persecuted by […].
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amama mbabazi supporters petition parliament. by gerald businge on december 17, 2011 amama mbabazi , bribe , deputy speaker , john patrick , mbabazi , member , member of parliament , mps , oil , petition , petitioners , prime minister john , region , resolution , saga , scandal , tallow , temangalo , woman , woman member , youth member latest uganda news. residents of kinkizi west have petitioned parliament demanding for the prosecution of the youth member of parliament for western region gerald karunga and all members who have been pinning their member of parliament and prime minister john patrick amama mbabazi for taking oil bribe from tallow. the residents who were led by the kanungu woman member of parliament […].
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medard segona and four others leave rules and privileges committee. by gerald businge on november 19, 2011 allegations , amama , auto , bribe , busiro , chairperson , contempt , decision , discipline committee , dismissal , draft , medard segona , meeting the prime minister , member , member of parliament , mister , onek , parliament , privileges , privileges committee , rules and privileges committee , scandal , today , uganda parlaiment , witness latest uganda news. the member of parliament for busiro east in wakiso district medard segona has excused himself from the rules, privileges and discipline committee which is now establishing whether two ministers hilary onek and amama mbabazi were not in contempt of parliament for them not to step over oil bribe scandal allegations. segona announced this today while this committee […].
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mps want corrupt government officials tried in court martial. by gerald businge on november 7, 2011 anti terrorism act , auto , bribe , civil courts , civilians , corrupt government officials , corruption in uganda , draft , military court , public officials , public resources , statehouse , theodore sekikubo , walks of life gossip , latest uganda news. lwemiyaga county mp, theodre sekikubo says the parliament should amend the constitution in order to have the government officials who reportedly received oil bribe to be charged in the military court martial. sekikubo says that probably the corrupt in the government will develop fears and stop miss managing public resources. sekikubo says that corruption in uganda is affecting ugandans […].
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