By Tumwine Edward on July 15, 2016
Babiito, Buganagaizi, Bugunju, Buhweju, Bulemezi, Bunyoro Kitara, buruli, Busongora, Buyaga, Chope, Hoima, kingdom, Kitagweta, Mboga, Mwenge, Omukama Kabalega, Rugonjo, Rukara, Rwamba, Semiliki, Tooro
Arts & Beauty

“…..Know the Colonies of Greater Kitara Empire and their subsequent Counties and how Kitara was reduced……..the ultimate ancient History of the Kitara Empire ” Now let’s explore the extent of the territory of Kitara during the reign of Kabalega and before the British annexed some parts of it to the neighbors. It was in […]
By Gerald Businge on March 22, 2012
amount, amount of money, budget, Buluri, buruli, cup, emancipation, football tournament, infancy stage, nbsp, President Museveni, raise, region, Sabaluri, shillings, stage, sub, talents, tournament, ush, winning team
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
In order for the youth of Buruli to internalize and conceptualize ‘Buluri culture emancipation,’ and promote their talents, the cultural leader of Buluri Mwasansozi Mwogezi Butamanya has organised a football tournament for all sub counties in Buluri sub region to compete. The winning team will take a Buduuli cup and other gifts, also teams […]
By Gerald Businge on January 19, 2012
abd, andKampalaamong, Baganda, body, brigade members, buganda, buruli, central government, duty, government, government soldiers, guard, Kabaka, Kayunga, Kisekka, martial art skills, Police, rashid, result, security, side, UPDF, vow
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Traders in Kisekka market have formed a special brigade to protect and guard the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II wherever he goes. The brigade name is called ‘Baganda workers association.’ Its work is to provide the Kabaka with security within and outsideBugandakingdom. The group was formed as a result of the lift between […]