By Walakira on August 22, 2012
babies, cause, joints, skin
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
ECZEMA, also known as dermatitis is a common immune skin disorder among people, especially in children. It presents in stages and usually starts as an irritating itchy red patch. The skin may become inflamed and moist though sometimes the rash is dry and scaly, manifesting on the knees, elbow joints, wrist, joints and ankles. […]
By Walakira on August 22, 2012
cause, mobile phones, say, sleeping
Health tips, Latest Uganda News
Don’t ever sleep with mobile phones under your pillow cases, mattress or bed cover. Scientists in American universities have discovered that most mobile phones emit harmful radiations due to transmission of signals around 900MHz. They say that the radiations may damage your brain, and it may cause you headache and muscle pains. The scientists further […]
By Walakira on August 8, 2012
cause, Epstein Barr, immune system, sensation
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
he herpes (ekisipi) family of viruses includes more than 70 known members. The most common viruses that human beings encounter include herpes simplex 1 and 2. Others are Epstein-Barr virus, varicella zoster and cytomegalovirus e.t.c. The causes of herpes are sexual contact. Other causes are immune system suppression, nutritional deficiencies. The SYMPTOMS OF HERPES include […]
By Walakira on July 19, 2012
acids, bacteria, cause, influenza
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Modern medical science and journals shows that coconuts provide a wide range of health benefits. Scientists have discovered that coconut kills viruses that cause influenza, and herpes. It has also been discovered that it kills the viruses that cause measles, hepatitis and other illnesses. Coconuts kill the bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
Capital, careers in journalism, cause, education, graduation, howard news service, international center for journalists, international participants, January, Journalism, journalism education, news, press, quality journalism, Scripps, scripps howard foundation, scripps howard news, scripps howard news service, Service, washington internship program
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington internship program brings two international students per year to Washington, D.C., to work at the Scripps Howard News Service for a semester or summer term. The internship is designed to give international students an opportunity to cover events in the U.S. capital, as well as to report and […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
application, architecture, cause, communications design, design architecture, disciplines, duration, experience, Information, internship, law, marketing management, organisational, research communications, rights of children, six months, time, Working, working children, working with children
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
CWC offers internship programmes for individuals of various disciplines from all over the world. These internships are tailor-made to match the qualifications and expertise of the applicant organisational requirements. The programmes are usually three to six months in duration. However, this varies according to the time available to the intern and the requirements of the […]
By Gerald Businge on May 31, 2012
adequate intake, birth, cause, central nervous system, Common, defect, development, development in the womb, diet, early pregnancy, folic acids, ground, ground nuts, medical experts, neural tube defects, ovacado, soya, spinal bifida, tube, World Health Organisation
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Having a good diet helps us to prevent spinal bifida. This is the most common of a group of birth defects in Uganda and around the world known as neutral tube defects. Neural tube defects affect the central nervous system that is the brain and spinal cord. The cause of this defect, according to […]
By Gerald Businge on May 17, 2012
Bangladesh, cause, disease, say
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Eating a carrot a day will keep the optician away. Many people in Uganda, Nairobi, London, New York and Bangladesh among other cities and countries eat carrots as snacks. Also many other people in the world snack carrots because they are crunchy, but little do they know that the vegetable is a health powerhouse. […]
By Gerald Businge on May 16, 2012
blood, cause, high blood pressure, pressure
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
When we read in the news papers, listen to radios, peoples conversations and watch TV programmes about modern and fast class foods, the first thing that comes on our minds is fast foods. Fast foods include chips, buffets, hot dogs and the list of fast foods is endless. Many people go for fast foods […]
By Gerald Businge on May 15, 2012
30 minutes, cause, drink, lead
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
This week we decided to bring to you much of the information you may need to avoid bloating. The first thing to do is to eat a diet high in fiber, also drink plenty of fluids and do exercises regularly, if you suspect that you have an allergy or intolerance to food you may […]