By Walakira on August 10, 2012
barefoot, Causes, infection, Walakira Nyanzi
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Osteomyelitis is a bone infection that progressively destroys the bone and it may affect the joints, Walakira Nyanzi writes. The infection may affect both the joint and marrow. It is a common condition in children. About 83% of it spread to the bone through the blood stream. The rest of osteomyelitis spreads from infected […]
By Walakira on August 10, 2012
Causes, muscles, stomach, stress
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
A person is said to have a hiatal hernia when his/her part of the stomach protrudes or niates, through the opening of the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. The causes of hiatal hernia are poor diet, food allergies, weakness of stomach muscles, pregnancy, trauma to the stomach area, stress, and inherited tendency. The […]
By Walakira on July 30, 2012
Causes, poor, pressure, tissue
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Hemorrhoids (swollen blood vessel at the opening (anus) or at the lower end of the bowel) are usually caused by increased pressure on the veins of the anus and the rectum. This pressure inflames and swells the veins. Its causes are constipation and straining, pregnancy and childhood birth, lifting heavy objects, obesity. Others […]
By Walakira on July 27, 2012
Causes, hearing, loss, nerves
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Hearing loss is always a disturbing problem, but its one that often goes untreated. Doctors say that hearing is a complex combination of many processes in the ear. The nerves and the brain and any disruption of these functions can lead to partial or complete deafness. The causes are accumulation of ear wax, middle-ear […]
By Walakira on July 19, 2012
body, cancer, Causes, imbalance
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Premature greying is sometimes caused by environmental and underling health factors such as diet. Consuming excessive amount of foods with excessive amounts of iodine can increase the risk of developing thyroid complications such as hitches. Hitches have an impact on the hair’s health thus causing premature greying. Also smoking cigarettes can cause premature greying. […]
By Walakira on July 10, 2012
Causes, end, one, split
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Splitends occur when the peoples’ hair’s cuticle wears down. However they can be repaired if trimmed well. The treatment your hair goes through e.g colouring, straightening and blow-drying can cause split ends. Almost anyone who goes too long without trimming her hair will have split ends. Hair split can be 2 to 3 centimeters in […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
blood, Causes, high blood pressure, pressure
Health tips, Personal Helath
Our concentration today is on the causes of high blood pressure in women and all people at large. Scientists say that as blood circulates through our bodies, it presses against the walls of the arteries. The force of this action is called blood pressure. The doctors say that when the pressure is too high, the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
amniotic sac, birth, birth canal, bones, break, canal, Causes, cord prolapse, Developing countries, early pregnancy, foetus, Labour, lot, mother, pregnancy, sac, uganda, umbilical cord accidents, way
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Causes of cord accidents or obstructed labour that is to say the baby gets stuck on its way either because it is too big or the mother’s bones are too narrow. There is also umbilical cord prolapse-this is when part of the cord drops out of the birth canal especially when ‘waters’ break through, […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
30 minutes, acids, Avoid, baby oil, Causes, corn, corns, fitting shoes, high heeled shoes, oil, pumice, pumice stone, remover, sensation, socks, Stone, treatment, warm water, water
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Wearing of closed high heeled shoes is one of the major causes of corns (enkyakya). Some of the remedies for corns are as follows: Use a pumice stone to gently rub the corns after soaking them in warm water for about 30 minutes. Apply baby oil on it and never use a sharp blade […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
anal areas, Causes, cavatina, form, Genetical, having unprotected sex, HPV, human papilloma virus, layer, mouth, painful sex, rectum, sex, skin infections, skin layer, swellings, venereal, venereal warts, virus, virus hpv
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Painful sex and genital swellings are closely associated with warts which are a form of sexually transmitted infection. Genetical warts are skin infections of the genital, oral and anal areas as far as the cervix, cavatina, rectum lining, penis-head, urethra, mouth and throats. The warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It affects […]