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prof. badru kiggundu urges ugandans to visit commission website. by gerald businge on march 6, 2012 article 60 , badru , central africa , centre , centre of excellence , commission chairperson , constitution , election management , election period , electoral commission , eng , mandate , model , model institution , press , referenda , ug , visit , www celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. the electoral commission chairperson prof/eng. badru kiggundu has urged ugandans to visit the website of the electoral commission kiggundu while addressing a press conference in kampalathis morning said that the commission has put a lot of information on the commission website but unfortunately ugandans don’t visit the site. he says that ugandans only visit […].
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prof. badru kiggundu urges ugandans to visit commission website. by gerald businge on march 6, 2012 article 60 , badru , central africa , centre , centre of excellence , commission chairperson , constitution , election management , election period , electoral commission , eng , mandate , model , model institution , press , referenda , ug , visit , www celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. the electoral commission chairperson prof/eng. badru kiggundu has urged ugandans to visit the website of the electoral commission kiggundu while addressing a press conference in kampalathis morning said that the commission has put a lot of information on the commission website but unfortunately ugandans don’t visit the site. he says that ugandans only visit […].
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rapper keko gets seven juicy jobs. by gerald businge on november 25, 2011 africa music , alignleft , attachment , beverages , big brother africa , brother , caption , central africa , east africa , fm radio , job , keko , maturity , mountain dew , rapper , rapper keko , shillings , uganda musicians , vision group , width , x fm entertainment , latest uganda news , movies. it now seems rapper keko is one of the luckiest hip-hop musicians in east and central africa. we have been told that she has got over seven juicy deals in which she can earn over 100 million shillings after the maturity of the deals. keko has got a job at vision group’s x fm radio, nominee […].
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