By Gerald Businge on February 16, 2012
Affairs, chase, committee chairperson, exploitation, Foreign, foreign affairs committee, illegal arrest, kiwanuka, member of parliament, Members of Parliament, minister of foreign affairs, ministry, ministry of foreign affairs, MPs, Parliament, permanent secretary, president, time, today, Ugandans, United Arab Emirates
Latest Uganda News, Politics

Members of Parliament on Foreign Affairs committee have Thrown out the permanent secretary for the ministry of foreign affairs Ambassador James Mugume after he failed to come with the ministers of Foreign Affair. They were supposed to explain to MPs why Ugandans living in United Arab Emirates are not helped by the embassy when they face problems […]
By Gerald Businge on December 9, 2011
Area, Auto, chase, Draft, harlots, home, lc3, life, lookers, moses, mp, Nakyanzi, person, phone, prostitutes, sex, sweet names, time, time check, true life, woman
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Stories Unusual
It seems the harlots in Uganda no longer fear anyone even if that person has capacity of making a law that can punish them severely. The day was Wednesday and the venue was Kisenyi II parish when Buikwe east MP, Lulume Bayiga had gone there to check on his friend Moses Katabu. Katabu is the […]