By Gerald Businge on August 15, 2016
children and mothers with eye problems from eye care partners, children from living on streets in Urban Centers Countrywide, government should strengthen social protection networks and sensitise communities on the need to maintain families in order to discourage children coming to live on the on streets, Grace Mulisa together with the head of marketing, Grace Orikiriza, head of retail banking at Standard Bank, Hellen Nangonzi called for a lending hand to the needy and neglected children., Kampala capital city Authority (KCCA) to modernize Kampala slum places especially Katwe and Kisenyi to reduce on the number of street kids, One of the former street child living in UWESO –Masulita children’s home Allen Karugire, residence and invade Kampala in big number, Standard Chartered Bank, the in-charge of street children project at the UWESO, Uganda Women Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO), UWESO -Masulita Children’s village in Wakiso district
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The Uganda Women Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) called on government to put in place measures that deter children from living on streets in Urban Centers Countrywide. Grace Orikiriza, the in-charge of street children project at the UWESO, says that government should strengthen social protection networks and sensitise communities on the need to maintain families in […]