By Gerald Businge on April 21, 2016
climate change, December Paris climate change meeting, floods, Paris agreement, Ratiy, uganda
Environment issues, Health, Latest Uganda News, Laws

With climate change still a major global challenge pausing threats to the eco-systems and natural resources that support livelihoods on the earth, Uganda, after the December Paris climate change meeting, has finally ratified the Paris agreement under the UN framework convention on climate change which now compels Uganda to re-commit herself to the global efforts […]
By Gerald Businge on February 9, 2016
Cattle corridor regions, climate change, Community water and sanitation, Development planning, Drought adaptation, Elgon, Karamoja, Land degradation management, Rwenzori, Strengthening meteorological services, Teso, Tree planting, Water for production, Water source management and restoration
Agriculture, Environment issues, Latest Uganda News

Environmental NGOs have launched the report showing the progress of the implementation of the national adaptation programmes of action (NAPA) towards climate change mitigation and adaptation, calling for more and serious work to be done by government for the targets to be realized, in a bid for Uganda to cope up with climate change effects. […]
By Gerald Businge on February 9, 2016
climate change, COP21 Paris, developed countries, Developing countries
Environment issues, Latest Uganda News, Laws

Environmental Civil Society Organizations are castigating the agreements that were reached upon between developed countries and developing countries during the December Conference of Parties (COP)21 Paris conference which the CSOs say were not binding and fear that the developed countries will not meet their obligations as agreed upon. But the head of the climate change department […]
By Isaac Senabulya on December 15, 2015
climate change, minority
Latest Uganda News, Laws

As the country and the globe continues to grapple with issues of climate change, experts in the gender sector are urging all partners to always consider including minority groups equitably as they move towards combating climate change issues on grounds that they also contribute towards national and global development. Delivering a paper on gender and […]
By Gerald Businge on September 28, 2015
Anti corruption coalition Uganda, Care Uganda, Civil Society organizations, climate change, elections, Environment Alert, Environment concerns, Environmental conservation, Forest laws, Forestry manifesto, Forestry sector, Illegal forest activities, NGOs, Non-Government Organizations, PANOS Eastern Africa, uganda
Agriculture, Elections, Latest Uganda News, Uganda 2016 General Elections

A consortium of Non-Government Organizations doing Environmental conservation related work have launched a Forestry manifesto which is a guiding document to all political aspirants at all levels to consider Environmental conservation as a strategic objective in their next tenure in leadership. Despite the Importance of the forestry sector, it is common in Uganda that as […]
By Isaac Senabulya on August 13, 2015
climate change, government, uganda, Vulnerability risk assessment
Culture & Heritage, General, Latest Uganda News, Politics

As climate change effects continue to become real in the face of Ugandans, government is now taking the issue by the horse’s mouth by now undertaking a vulnerability risk assessment in areas that have previously suffered a series of natural disasters associated with climate change. While in the policy action on Climate Change Adaptation Learning […]
By on November 21, 2012
awareness, change, climate change, Nsubuga Joyce Bukenya, uganda
Latest Uganda News
The government has been challenged to come up with a policy on climate change adaptation and mitigation. The challenge comes as more countries experience extreme weather conditions and disasters. The Manager of finance and administration at the African women economic policy network Nsubuga Joyce Bukenya says such a policy would help Uganda be in better […]
By Gerald Businge on March 29, 2012
application, climate change, commonwealth countries, country, developing country, entry criteria, form, government department, leeds university, maintenance allowance, parastatal organisation, return, return airfare, university of leeds
Masters Scholarships
Up to five scholarships are available to candidates from developing Commonwealth countries to undertake a one-year taught Master’s programme of study at the University of Leeds. Only students from developing commonwealth countries can apply for the MSc Sustainability Scholarships. Fees (international rate), Maintenance allowance, return airfare. Up to 5 awards available University wide. Courses eligible […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Action, climate change, climate change summit, climate conference, climate negotiations, conference, Developing countries, dismay, Durban climate talks, fight, framework convention on climate change, G77, Group, hoc working group, kyoto protocol, level segment, news, president of south africa, progress, Science, Subsidiary, subsidiary body, united nations framework convention on climate change, Working
news & events
News Release: “The challenges and difficulties of these negotiations cannot be faced with dismay and must not lead us to give up without a fight,” said Ambassador Jorge Argüello the Chair of the G77 and China at the opening of the UN climate conference. “We hope all Parties will come to Durban prepared to make the […]
By Gerald Businge on November 24, 2011
African governments, change, climate change, contractual commitments, development, Environment, ethiopian government, future prospects, global water crisis, half a million, harm, IIED, lake turkana, land, Land Acquisitions, land deals, news, paper, pastoralist, Report, Study, today, water issues
news & events
News Release: A paper published today by the International Institute for Environment and Development warns that African governments are signing away water rights for decades with insufficient regard for how this will affect millions of local users, including fishing, farming and pastoralist communities. The water rights often feature in the growing number of large land […]