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ngos launch forestry manifesto ahead of 2016 general elections. by gerald businge september 28, 2015 0 photo credit: a consortium of non-government organizations doing environmental conservation related work have launched a forestry manifesto which is a guiding document to all political aspirants at all levels.
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government running vulnerability risk assessment on climate change. by isaac senabulya august 13, 2015 0 as climate change effects continue to become real in the face of ugandans, government is now taking the issue by the horse’s mouth by now undertaking a vulnerability risk assessment.
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government urged on climate change adaptation. november 21, 2012 0 the government has been challenged to come up with a policy on climate change adaptation and mitigation.the challenge comes as more countries experience extreme weather conditions and disasters.the manager of.
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msc sustainability scholarships in leeds university. by gerald businge march 29, 2012 0 up to five scholarships are available to candidates from developing commonwealth countries to undertake a one-year taught master's programme of study at the university of leeds. only students from developing.
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developing countries urged to remain united at durban climate negotiations. by gerald businge november 29, 2011 0 news release: "the challenges and difficulties of these negotiations cannot be faced with dismay and must not lead us to give up without a fight," said ambassador jorge argüello the chair.
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african governments urged against signing away water rights for decades. by gerald businge november 24, 2011 0 news release: a paper published today by the international institute for environment and development warns that african governments are signing away water rights for decades with insufficient regard for how.
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book shows local communities can play big role in food security and environmental protection. by gerald businge november 23, 2011 0 news release a book published today by the international institute for environment and development paints a vivid picture of an alternative future in which food, energy and water supplies are.
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christina aid urges africa to meet energy needs without adding to climate change. by gerald businge november 10, 2011 0 new report launched as caravan of hope sets off through southern africa to un climate summit in durban report at this link: sub-saharan africa has massive potential to.
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reversing desertification key to combating poverty. by gerald businge october 18, 2011 0 key speakers at the united nations conference in the republic of korea on combating desertification today stressed that restoring degraded lands is crucial to addressing some global challenges, including poverty,.
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iied says security focus on climate change could blur real issues. by gerald businge october 6, 2011 0 news release: a growing focus on national and international security challenges posed by climate change could detract attention from the root causes of the problem, the needs of the most.
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