By Gerald Businge on March 30, 2012
alaka, Crimes, crimes against humanity, Criminal, criminal lawyers, group organisation, Hague, human rights group, intelligence reports, International, international crimes, International Criminal Court, Joseph Kony, leader, LRA, March, Mulindwa, procedural matters, progress, region, sponsorship
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is prepared to charge Joseph Kony in case he has been arrested. Intelligence reports and the information the government is getting from satellites show that the LRA leader Joseph Kony is about to be arrested. As a consequence, Joseph Kony’s lawyers in Kampala have gone to Hague and settle with […]
By Gerald Businge on March 29, 2012
Constitutional Court, crimes against humanity, criminal lawyers, group organisation, human rights group, ICC, international crimes, International Criminal Court, kampala, lawyers, procedural matters, study trip, Top
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Five top city criminal lawyers in Kampala have left the country to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on sponsorship of an International human rights group/ organisation. Caleb Alaka (30th March) and Samuel Muyizzi Mulindwa (2nd April) are among those who are set to leave the country to the to the pre trial chamber of […]
By Gerald Businge on January 23, 2012
Chamber, court, crimes against humanity, Criminal, deputy, election violence, evidence, head of operations, humanity, International Criminal Court, International Criminal Court rules, Kenya election violence, Kenya ICC trail, kenya politics, kenyatta, Kosgey, mohammed hussein, Ocampo six 6, peter kaul, Rome Statute, Ruto, Sang, today, war crimes
news & events, Public Platform
Pre-Trial Chamber II (PTC II) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered its decisions on whether to move to trial two cases against six individuals allegedly responsible for the commission of crimes against humanity during post-election violence in 2007-2008 in Kenya . The ICC is the world’s first permanent international court to prosecute war crimes, […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
accountability, arrest warrant, Civil Society organizations, coalition for the international criminal court, crimes against humanity, Criminal, execution, genocide, government spokesman, humanity, ICC, International Criminal Court, jurisdiction, justice, libyan authorities, Muammar, Muammar Gaddafi, news, Rome Statute, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Abdullah, security council resolution, war
news & events
News Release International Criminal Court (ICC) suspect and former director of military intelligence in Libya—was captured in the south of Libya. His arrest follows the reported capture on 19 November 2011 of ICC suspect Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, former Libyan government spokesman and son of former Libyan leader of Muammar Gaddafi. The ICC is the world’s […]
By Gerald Businge on July 1, 2011
crimes against humanity, International Crimes Court, LRA rebels, Tadeo Asiimwe, Timothy Kwoyelo
Latest Uganda News
All is set for the trial of the formal Lords resistance army field commander Timothy Kwoyelo before the international crime division high court sitting in Gulu. The trial is scheduled to kick off on 11th July 2011. A team from the international crime division in Kampala on Wednesday met and held discussion with Gulu district […]
By Gerald Businge on February 24, 2011
Commonwealth Meetings, crimes against humanity, International Criminal Court, Rome Statute, war crimes
Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
Commonwealth revises Model Law on implementing the Rome Statute to promote the ending of impunity for perpetrators of worst crimes known to humanity A group of Commonwealth experts has started the work of revising the Commonwealth model law on implementing the Rome Statute to help Commonwealth countries implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal […]