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get masters in syngenta mba scholarships. by gerald businge on june 6, 2012 business , business administration mba , commercial seeds , criteria , crop , development , essay , experience , financial circumstances , leader , market regions , masters in business , masters in business administration , mba scholarships , region , scholarship application , scholarship opportunity , scholarships , target group , technology arts/humanities scholarships , masters scholarships. insead-syngenta mba scholarships for developing country leaders: syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. the company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. since syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses they embrace insead’s mission […].
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call for applications at international doctoral program in energy science. by gerald businge on june 6, 2012 age , command , criteria , date , diplomatic relations , doctoral degree , eligibility criteria , energy science , equivalent , foreign students , international doctoral program , kyoto university , necessary credits , november , official , proficiency , program , program application , science international , university arts/humanities scholarships , sciences scholarships. international doctoral program in energy science: the international doctoral program in energy science is offered to provide foreign students and researchers, who have a master’s degree (or equivalent), an opportunity to further their studies toward a doctoral degree at kyoto university. in this doctoral program, japanese proficiency is not required since students can obtain the […].
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cambridge international scholarships. by gerald businge on june 5, 2012 award , basis , cambridge international , course , course duration , cpgs , criteria , higher education institution , international scholarship students , international scholarships , maximum duration , overseas institution , probationary , scholarship application , scholarships , study , uk higher education institution , university , university composition , year opportunities & awards , phd scholarships. cambridge international scholarships: cambridge university will offer, via the cambridge trusts, at least 80 cambridge international scholarships to overseas students who embark on a research course in the academic year. the awards will be made on a competitive basis to those applicants considered by their departments to be the most outstanding. value of the award: […].
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get architecture scholarships in university of kent. by gerald businge on june 5, 2012 amount , architecture , criteria , equivalent , grant , partial tuition , performance , performance scholarship , postgraduate research scholarship , postgraduate research scholarships , satisfactory academic performance , scholarship application , scholarship applications , scholarship candidates , scholarships , school of architecture , study , subject , university , university postgraduate research africa scholarships , arts/humanities scholarships. architecture postgraduate research scholarships – university of kent: the school of architecture has one university postgraduate research scholarship to award. the scholarship will cover partial tuition fees for international students plus a maintenance grant. the maintenance grant will vary in amount, but the maximum could be £13,590. the scholarship will be offered for one year […].
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opportunity for internships at the iaea. by gerald businge on june 4, 2012 academic transcript , age , assistance , atomic energy agency , completion , criteria , doctorate degree , equivalent , international atomic energy , international atomic energy agency , international atomic energy agency iaea , less than three months , line , minimum , opportunity , order , professional fields , purpose , website opportunity , work experiences arts/humanities scholarships , opportunities & awards. internships at the iaea: the international atomic energy agency (iaea) accepts a limited number of interns each year. the internships are awarded to persons studying toward a university degree or who have recently received a degree. the purpose of the programme is: to provide interns with the opportunity to gain practical work experiences in line […].
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apply for icarda internship. by gerald businge on june 4, 2012 address fax , central , computing skills , criteria , different nationalities , eligible applicants , enhanced research , experience , fluency in english , hand , host program , interest , internship program , need , prior research , region , study , subject , unit , west asia arts/humanities scholarships. icarda internship: icarda’s internship program is designed to provide practical experience in research and other areas of the center’s activities for eligible applicants. the subject should be of mutual interest to the intern and the hosting program/unit of icarda. the internship will usually be for a period of one to six months, as per the […].
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script scholarships for distance learning students. by gerald businge on june 4, 2012 academic merit , amount , award criteria , centre , criteria , ethics , information technology law , innovation , innovation technology , intellectual property law , medical law and ethics , member party , paper , property , scholarship amount , scholarships , script , script research , technological innovation , vice arts/humanities scholarships. script scholarships: the script research centre for studies in intellectual property and technology law offers two scholarships for students wishing to pursue one of the following programmes: llm innovation, technology and the law (distance learning) llm medical law and ethics (distance learning) llm intellectual property law (distance learning) llm information technology law (distance learning) scholarship […].
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study research for lawyers from developing countries. by gerald businge on june 4, 2012 beneficiary , candidate , civil servant , criteria , economic transition , formal letter , international private law , living in rome , minimum , ms laura , research scholarships , rome italy , scholarship application , scholarships , study , subject , travel , unidroit , uniform law , work arts/humanities scholarships , opportunities & awards. research scholarships for lawyers: unidroit’s scholarships programme offers research scholarships for lawyers from developing countries and countries in economic transition a scholarship (average length: two months, with a minimum of six weeks; exceptionally, four months in the case of the uk foundation) may cover all or part of the cost of living in rome for […].
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apply for intellectual property and technology law scholarships. by gerald businge on june 4, 2012 academic merit , award application , centre , coversheet , criteria , information technology law , innovation , innovation technology , intellectual property law , law scholarships , medical , medical law , paper , property , scholarships , script , script research , technological innovation , vice arts/humanities scholarships , sciences scholarships. intellectual property and technology law scholarships: the script research centre for studies in intellectual property and technology law offers scholarships for students wishing to pursue one of the following distance learning programmes: llm innovation, technology and the law llm medical law llm intellectual property law llm information technology law award application eligibility criteria: awards will […].
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apply for mit fellowships. by gerald businge on june 1, 2012 benefit , cambridge area , capacity , criteria , education , fellow , fellowship , four continents , group fellowships , organization , public service fellowship , scholarship application , service , spring , stipend , student qualifications , student relationship , underserved communities , underserved community , world each year arts/humanities scholarships , opportunities & awards. mit fellowships: each year, the public service fellowship program provides mit students with the opportunity to use their education, skills, and talents to address the needs of underserved communities around the world. each year, 50 mit students receive funding for a public service fellowship, over fall, iap, spring, and summer. past fellows have worked to […].
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