By Isaac Senabulya on June 16, 2016
child right law, CSOs, government
Latest Uganda News, Laws

As Uganda joins the rest of African countries to commemorate the day of African child tomorrow 16th, Civil society organizations advocating for children‘s rights have asked Government to facilitate the implementation of the just amended child right law as way to promote the rights of children in the country. Addressing the media at Bravod hotel in Masaka, the child […]
By Isaac Senabulya on June 6, 2016
civil society organisations, CSOs, equity, Taxation, Transparency, Uganda revenue authority, URA
Business & Economics, Business news, Finance, Latest Uganda News

Civil Society Organizations have asked Uganda Revenue Authority to exercise total transparency and equity when taxing them. Speaking at a dialogue between URA and Civil Society, the executive director Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda Cissy Kagaba said URA is being used to restrain organizations that are critical of government. She said that some of the taxes levied on these […]
By Gerald Businge on July 9, 2015
Anti corruption coalition Uganda, Civil Society organizations, CSOs, Members of Parliament, MPs, parliamentary commission, Parliamentary sittings, Speaker Kadaga

Civil society organizations under the Anti corruption coalition Uganda have petitioned the parliamentary commission headed by speaker Kadaga calling it to cut the salaries of all those MPs who dodge parliamentary sittings. In a petition they handed over to one of the parliamentary commissioners also Bukedea women MP Rose Akol by executive director of the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
Apply, call for proposals, Civil Society organizations, cooperation, CSOs, empowerment, forum, gift, knowledge, nbsp, NGOs, origin and destination, priority, promising projects, relevant organizations, support cooperation, victim support, victims of human trafficking, virtual forum
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
UN.GIFT Small Grants: UN.GIFT has established a Small Grants Facility with the overall objective to increase and improve support structures for victims of human trafficking around the world. Through a Call for Proposals, relevant organizations will be identified and the most promising projects will be selected. Civil society organizations will receive grants either to sustain […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Action, Action Aid, Africana, appeal, bad faith, bill, centre, Civil Society organizations, conference, CSOs, director centre, head of parliament, hotel africana, Major, management bill, Okwir Rabwooni, order, order management, parliamentary affairs, political discussions, space
Latest Uganda News
Civil society organizations have asked parliament to clean the proposed public order management bill which was tabled before parliament because in its present form is intended to violate people’s rights. The civil society organizations made the demand a head of parliament public hearing on the public order management by the legal and parliamentary affairs committee […]