By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2012
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Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships
DRD Scholarships for PhD and Master Studies: The Development Research Division (DRD) of the DAAD-funded South African – German Centre for Development Research and Criminal Justice at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa is a cooperation project of the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, and the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Applications needed at Leopold Senghor Scholarships Leopold Senghor Scholarships: Recipients of the Leopold Senghor Scholarship are high-quality candidates who meet the HEC MBA standard selection criteria and have demonstrated: Excellence in academic achievements Aptitude in business, finance and management Leadership potential Profound interest in West Africa with a deep commitment to its economic development. Scholarship […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
Center, development, evaluation, giorgio ruffolo, harvard faculty, harvard fellowships, harvard university, Host, May, Natural, post doctoral fellows, program scholarship, relevant professions, spring, Study, sustainability science, sustainable science, target group, University, YEAR
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for International Development offers doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career fellowships in Sustainability Science. The fellowships are tenable at the Center for International Development during Harvard’s academic year beginning in September . Fellowships are available for 10 months (September-May ), 12 months (September -August ), the full semester (September-December […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships
INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders: Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Since Syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses they embrace INSEAD’s mission […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
academic standing, African, award, conjunction, Cornell, cornell university, development, einaudi center, graduate, graduate student, grant, grant award, semesters, seminar series, series, travel, Travel Grant, Travel Grants, travel institute, University
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Institute for African Development Travel Grants: The Institute for African Development Travel Grants are offered in conjunction with the Einaudi Center for International Studies, to Graduate students who wish to carry out research in Africa. To be eligible for these awards, you must be a Graduate student at Cornell University carrying out a thesis or […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
LLM Scholarships in South Africa: A number of Scholarships are available for International students at Pretoria University. The Scholarships are available for the following courses: Human Rights and Access to medicines Human Rights in Africa Good Governance The Management of Human Rights Institutions International Humanitarian Law Development and Human Rights International Law Admission will be […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
accredited institution, Bachelor, bioscience, development, development students, Engineering, equivalent, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, Euro, graduate admission requirements, imrd, international msc, managing board, MSC, rural development studies, scholarships, scholastic average, Sufficient, veterinary sciences
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
International MSc of Rural Development Scholarships: A number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for International MSc in Rural Development students. This is a scholarship for 4 semesters and consists of twenty (20) monthly instalments of 1600 euro and a yearly fee of 5000 euro that covers all administrative expenses, like subscription fees, insurances and […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
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Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Children who have been contacted with an adult with TB (Tuberculosis) should be examined and get screened for TB. If you have had a persistent cough, keep babies surroundings clean, airy and dry. Early diagnosis and successful treatment of an infected adult is the best way to protect our children against TB. BCG immunization […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
This programme is designed to give young people from developing countries opportunities to engage in policy development and programming; to help build the capacity of young people; and to sensitize both the young people and UNFPA staff on partnering to address adolescent and youth issues. Grants/Financial Support All selected candidates will be provided: – Cost […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
burkina faso, centre, Cochrane, cochrane collaboration, cochrane methods, cochrane review, development, Group, Guinea Bissau, Health, healthcare interventions, home, low income countries, primary health care, relevant cochrane review group, Scholar, training, travel, uk cochrane centre, understanding
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship: The Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship is a three-month scholarship offered annually by The Cochrane Collaboration to health workers, consumers and researchers living in developing countries. The aim of the Scholarship is to enable the development of skills in preparing systematic reviews of healthcare […]