By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS): The Africa ADS program provides academic scholarships to undertake Master Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas to nationals of African and other developing countries. Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) are a central part of the Australian Government’s development cooperation program in Africa. The Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) scheme offers the opportunity to people from […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
capacity, development, Economics, education, education nutrition, experience, fluency in english, graduate, graduate study program, hourly salary, Master, phd programs, private sector development, program candidates, public health education, relevant work experience, Study, World, world bank group, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Internship Program is open to students who are nationals of the Bank’s member countries and attracts a large number of highly qualified candidates. The goal of this Internship Program is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international environment. Interns generally find […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
acquisition, African, brand marketing, business, chemical, chemical engineering graduate, development, development agenda, development initiatives, Electrical, Engineering, graduate, graduate development, graduate intake, graduate trainee program, information technology systems, Sales, south african breweries, talent, value chain
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
SAB Graduate Trainee Program: South African Breweries (SAB) demonstrates its commitment to South Africa’s national skills development agenda by focusing on talent development initiatives for unemployed learners. The South African Breweries (SAB) graduate program is one of the ways in which it contributes to the development of talent in South Africa. It runs an annual […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
acle, African, assistance, centre, development, ILI-ACLE, inception, independent projects, internship, internship applications, internships international, kampala uganda, law school students, legal excellence, mail administrator, region, resume cover letter, sub saharan region, Swithin, Trade
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
International Law Institute Internships: Since its inception, ILI-ACLE has been committed to providing internships to students interested in international trade and development issues in the sub-Saharan region. The aim is to expose foreign law students to the Ugandan legal system, and to stimulate interaction between Ugandan law students and students from abroad. Interns are involved […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
SURVIVE-MIVA is a Catholic Lay Association, founded in Liverpool, UK in 1974. They exist to provide one vital element for successful health, pastoral, educational and developmental work in developing countries – a means of transport. SURVIVE-MIVA’s fundamental aim is to provide mobility for outreach programmes which have been planned in collaboration and consultation with local […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
completion, creation, development, eligible fields, english language ability, home, law scholarship, lebanon syria, Masters, masters of law, minimum bachelor, minimum toefl score, Open, palestinian lawyers, Scholarship Eligibility, scholarships, Society, society leadership, Study, writing
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships
Rule of Law Masters Scholarships: The Middle East Rule of Law Masters Scholarships Program (MEROL) offers fellowships for graduate study in the United States leading to masters degrees. Eligible fields include law (LLM), public policy / public administration, media / communications studies, and gender / women’s studies. The program aims to assist in the creation […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
coastal states, development, education, Fellowship, human resource development, knowledge, law of the sea, legal regime, level professionals, main objective, new fellowship, Nippon, nippon foundation, ocean, ocean affairs, ocean policy, scholarship application, scholarships, Science, Study, training, UNCLOS
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan concluded a trust fund project agreement to provide capacity-building and human resource development to developing coastal States Parties and non-Parties to UNCLOS through a new Fellowship Programme. The main objective of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for advanced education and training in the field of […]
By Gerald Businge on May 31, 2012
bed, bedtime, body, development, face, facial wash, issue, makeup, nbsp, pimples, pores, skin, skin cancer, skin doctors, sleep, ups, wash
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
In our first issue on make up we told you that it’s dangerous to go to bed with makeup. To remove make-up from your face you can use a facial wash or a cleanser. But why do you need to remove make up before bedtime. The doctors say that removing make up helps your […]
By Gerald Businge on May 31, 2012
back, blood, blood circulation, body, development, flexibility, joints, muscle, muscle development, muscles, nbsp, number, Pilates, posture, shape, shape body, spine, spine area, torso
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Pilates have a number of benefits in our bodies. They shape the body and strengthen the torso. The people who do it improve posture and overall health. It promotes and strengthens the muscle development as well as flexibility and improving the joints and the back. It safely increases the length of our muscles especially […]
By Gerald Businge on May 31, 2012
adequate intake, birth, cause, central nervous system, Common, defect, development, development in the womb, diet, early pregnancy, folic acids, ground, ground nuts, medical experts, neural tube defects, ovacado, soya, spinal bifida, tube, World Health Organisation
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Having a good diet helps us to prevent spinal bifida. This is the most common of a group of birth defects in Uganda and around the world known as neutral tube defects. Neural tube defects affect the central nervous system that is the brain and spinal cord. The cause of this defect, according to […]