By Agnes Tumuheire on September 18, 2018
Beijing’s multibillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China's "debt traps", Djibouti, Entebbe-Kampala Expressway, Hambantota port to China, home to the US military’s main base in Africa, Isimba hydropower, Karuma dam, Loan agreement performance data (2016), Syri-lanka., uganda loan debt to china, Uganda's total loans, Zambia
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With a wave of Imperialistic tendencies sweeping the world with what has been termed as China’s “debt traps”, how safe is Uganda. 29% of Uganda’s total loans is owed to China’s EXIM Bank. China- Uganda loans Loan agreement performance data (2016) indicate that China committed $350m for Entebbe-Kampala Expressway, $100m to improve road networks, $483m for […]
By Gerald Businge on November 17, 2016
Caroline Njuki, Djibouti, Ethiopia, immigration policies, Kenya and Uganda, Ministers from Seven countries who are members of the Inter Government Organization on Development (IGAD), movement and administration of citizens in the seven member states, Somalia, South Sudan, Speke Resort Munyonyo, the senior programme coordinator regional secretariat on forced and mixed migration says the ministerial meeting on migration will see the launch of the ministerial committee on immigration.
Latest Uganda News

Ministers from Seven countries who are members of the Inter Government Organization on Development (IGAD) are met last week for the ministerial meeting on immigration. In a meeting that opened on Wednesday at the Speke Resort Munyonyo was expected to review several immigration policies concerning the movement and administration of citizens in the seven member states. The […]
By Isaac Senabulya on September 20, 2016
18 – 19 September 2016. Delegations from South Sudan, Amb. Mohamed Adam said the Meeting was testimony of countries’ commitment to the grand goals and visions, at least from its objectives, climate change is devastating our region; when many women and girls in our region are still subjected to cruel, Council Meeting is being held at Century Hotel in Kamuli, degrading treatment and torture under the name of cultural values, disadvantaged and oppressed, Djibouti, Environmental degradation, Ethiopia, human trafficking and drugs., inhuman, IPU-IGAD include promoting unity and strengthening ties of cooperation among member states; promoting peace, IPU-IGAD possesses the potent, Kenya, migrations, Opening the 9th Executive Council Meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union – (IPU-IGAD), oversight and representation to champion the interests of the people, poverty, protect people from economic exploitation, Rebecca Kadaga, Secretary General of the IPU-IGAD Member States, security and stability within the sub-region and promoting good governance, Somalia, South Sudan, Speaker Kadaga said that her colleagues also have to think about using their traditional tools of legislation, Speaker of Parliament, Sudan and Uganda are attending the Meeting, the marginalized, the voiceless, to address some of the challenges faced in our region. Let us make it work for the common person in the region, transparency and rule of law within member states, vagaries of weather and bad governance
Latest Uganda News

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has challenged regional speakers to use their positions to protect people from economic exploitation, vagaries of weather and bad governance. Opening the 9th Executive Council Meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union – (IPU-IGAD), Speaker Kadaga said that her colleagues also have to think about using their traditional tools of legislation, oversight […]