By Gerald Businge on April 23, 2013
doctor of philosophy, masters degree, PhD Fellowships
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
International Leibniz Research School (ILRS Jena), Germany is inviting applications for PhD position. The position is available for a research project on Immunevasion of the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. The three-year PhD position is available starting from August 2013. For applying the position, applicants must have Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Natural or Life Sciences. Candidates about to earn their […]
By Gerald Businge on April 23, 2013
doctor of philosophy, Germany, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, masters degree, Particle physics, Physics Scholarships, Technical University Munich
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
International Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics is pleased to offer PhD Fellowship in Physics in Germany. Students must have Master of Science degree or an equivalent one (such as a Diploma). The duration of IMPRS scholarship is for a period of three years. The IMPRS PhD students must have to register at one […]
By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2012
African, african economies, building, centre, Contact, CSAE, department of economics, doctor of philosophy, Economies, oxford ox1 3uq, oxford university, Page, President Museveni, research proposal, Scholars, scholarship applications, Study, thesis topic, University, university of oxford
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Museveni Scholarship: The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics at the University of Oxford invites applications for a President Museveni scholarship of £10,000 to support Africans wishing to pursue economic research at the University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil). Candidates will be drawn from students accepted for […]