By Isaac Senabulya on October 4, 2016
500 village and parish register compilation officials, Attorney General William Byaruhanga told the committee that they hoped to conduct the elections within the next two months, Badru Kiggundu, committee chaired by Igara West MP, compilation of voters’ register, David Bahati, demarcation and harmonization of administrative units and boundaries and payment for 65, Electoral Commission Chairman, electoral commission to conduct elections for the administrative units and women councils, gender, Janat Mukwaya, Labour and social development Minister, lunch and training of compilation officers at sub county level, media and civil society organizations for one day, minister of local government Tom Butime., MPs on the public service and local government committee today rejected the budget amounting to 37.6b shillings, national workshop for stakeholders including political parties, Raphael said that the amendment that provides for lining up behind LC 1 candidates does not require printing ballots, regional workshops for commission staff, the Finance State Minister in-charge general duties said shs7.3b was in place to have the elections conducted, the last phase of the 2015/16 general elections
Latest Uganda News
Gender, Labour and Social Development Minister, Janat Mukwaya and MPs on the public service and local government committee last week rejected the budget amounting to 37.6b shillings required by the electoral commission to conduct elections for the administrative units and women councils, the last phase of the 2015/16 general elections. Electoral Commission Chairman, Badru Kiggundu […]