By Isaac Senabulya on July 11, 2016
Arcades, business, employment, Local investors, Malls
Business & Economics, Business news, Finance, Latest Uganda News, Politics

The minister of trade and cooperatives Amelia Kyambadde has urged local investors to stop investing all their money in arcades and malls but to create more employment for the young generation. Kyambadde said this while welcoming the minister of state for trade Micheal Werikhe and the minister of state for cooperatives Frederick Gume to the ministry […]
By Isaac Senabulya on April 23, 2016
employment, Parliament
Business news, Finance, Latest Uganda News, Politics

Parliament’s committee on Gender Labour and Social Affairs has recommended government bans all the unlicensed employment agencies that cause despair for Ugandans who work abroad. The chairperson of the committee Nakasongora District Woman MP Margret Komuhangi while presenting the committee report for the financial Year 2016/17 on the ministry of gender Labour and social Development […]
By editor1 on July 13, 2012
CARA, Deadline, employment, UK
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Refugee Academic Grants: The Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA) grants aim to help refugee academics who are looking to take academic or professional qualifications to improve their employment prospects in the UK. CARA grants can be used to cover tuition fees and related expenses. For example: exam or bench fees, research related costs, […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
application materials, basic tools, british ecological society, country travel, Ecological, ecological research, ecological science, ecologists, employment, grant, international travel, Membership, online, overseas countries, overseas fellowship, purchase, Science, Society, time, travel
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries: The British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries scheme provides grants for ecologists in developing countries to carry out innovative ecological research. It aims to support excellent ecological science in Africa. Each grant is normally up to £7,000 over an 18 month period and is intended for the purchase of […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
assistance, employment, further training, graduate women, Hegg, help, international federation of university women, necessary courses, north vancouver bc, order, professional practices, refugee status, refugees, training, University, us1000, vancouver bc canada, woman, Women
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Assistance for Women and Women Refugees: The International Federation of University Women is offering limited financial assistance for women and women refugees who have mostly or fully completed their university degrees, and who need further training in language or professional practices in order to find employment in their new country. Small grants are designed to […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
abject, abject poverty, academic scholarships, application, application materials, Child, cycle of poverty, disease, education, employment, family instability, foundation scholarships, guidance, land, land productivity, one, Palmhouse, Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships, scholarships, scholarships foundation, school scholarships, secondary scholarships, Single, vicious cycle of poverty
Africa scholarships
Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships: Palmhouse Foundation provides Palmhouse Foundation scholarships to bright and talented children from families that are financially challenged by diverse circumstances and most of whom have attended poorly equipped rural primary schools. Without the Palmhouse Foundation scholarships, their future remains bleak and are likely to remain trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. […]
By Gerald Businge on February 23, 2012
access, borrower, Capital, Centenary, creation, development, eligible businesses, employment, finance minister, Fund, kiwanuka, loan, loan period, minister, Minister of Finance, ministerial statement, MPs, road, saccos, Stanbic, stanbic bank, venture capital fund, youth, youth entrepreneurs
Business & Finance, Latest Uganda News, Politics

MPS have thrown out the ministerial statement of the minister of finance on the youth venture capital fund meant for youth entrepreneurs. This came after the minister of finance; planning and Economic Development Maria Kiawanuka Nabasirye failed to convince them on the friendly modalities on how the youth can access funds for job creation. The […]
By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
abject, abject poverty, application, application materials, Child, cycle of poverty, disease, education, employment, family instability, foundation scholarships, guidance, impressionable age, land, land productivity, Palmhouse, Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships, poor, retrenchment, scholarships, Single, social safety, talented children, vicious cycle of poverty
East Africa Scholarships, Scholarships, Science & Technology, Sciences Scholarships, Society & Leisure
Palmhouse Foundation scholarships: Palmhouse Foundation provides Palmhouse Foundation scholarships to bright and talented children from families that are financially challenged by diverse circumstances and most of whom have attended poorly equipped rural primary schools. Without the Palmhouse Foundation scholarships, their future remains bleak and are likely to remain trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. […]
By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
application materials, assistance, award, citizenship, completion, Eligibility, employment, equivalent, evidence, fees insurance, fellowship grants, home, host institution, human origins, insurance books, mosher, origins research, Provisional, provisional acceptance, relevant categories, Study, training
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships
This fellowship is intended for scholars with citizenship in an African country who seek to obtain an advanced degree or specialized training in an area of study related to human origins research. This award is for a program of approved special training and/or advanced training towards an MA, PhD, or equivalent and is limited to […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
education, employment, equivalent, grant, knowledge, london school of hygiene, london school of hygiene and tropical, london school of hygiene and tropical medicine, london statistics, Mathematics, Medical Statistics Scholarships, MSC, scholarship holders, scholarships, statistics, Study, theory, UK, University, University College London, university of glasgow, university of leicester, university of sheffield, university of southampton
Drama & plays, Sciences Scholarships
MSc in Medical Statistics Scholarships by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) : To have sufficient knowledge to work as a statistician in the pharmaceutical industry, students studying for a first degree will usually need to complete an MSc in statistics. GSK considers it important to invest in the education of statisticians and will provide scholarships to enable students […]