By Gerald Businge on September 8, 2016
committee chaired by Bukuya constituency MP, Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Dr. Michael Bukenya, examination, intern doctors over government’s new proposal to reduce their numbers and scrap the payment of those who studied on private sponsorship, Minister of Health, ministry of health and the Parliamentary Committee on health are yet to agree on the new policy of subjecting intern doctors to per-internship examinations, MPs on the committee including; Gaffa Mbwatekamwa of Kasambya and Joy Atim Ongom of Lira district, quality standards in the medical profession, training interns.
Latest Uganda News

The ministry of health and the Parliamentary Committee on health are yet to agree on the new policy of subjecting intern doctors to per-internship examinations. The policy comes into force following a demonstration by intern doctors over government’s new proposal to reduce their numbers and scrap the payment of those who studied on private sponsorship. […]
By Walakira on February 26, 2013
counterparts, examination, examination results, poor
Celebrity gigs, Education, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Senior six examination results have been released in Kampala by education minister, Jesicca Alupo. According to the results, arts students have performed better than their science counterparts. But this is not good for a country with many redundant and jobless ‘artists’. What happened to the government policy of promoting sciences? Is it not working? […]
By Gerald Businge on February 7, 2013
examination, lose, school, Schools
Education news, Latest Uganda News

The ministry of education has directed the Uganda National Examinations Board to withdraw the examination center numbers of schools that have persistently featured in cases of malpractice. While releasing the 2012 Senior 4 results this afternoon, Minister Jesica Alupo ordered the examination body to take stern action against offenders to deter others from engaging in […]
By on October 26, 2012
examination, set, UNEB, yesterday
Latest Uganda News
The Uganda National Examinations Board has acknowledged the mix up in the senior four examination delivered yesterday. The examinations body admits that they delivered the wrong papers for yesterday’s religious education O’level exams. Yesterday shock engulfed senior four students who offer Christian Religious Education and Islam after they were given an exam that was not set […]
By Gerald Businge on March 9, 2012
centre, Comprehensive, development, examination, examination period, eye for an eye, force, government official, institutions of higher learning, Islamic, issue, lecturer, Ms Olivia, Muslim, muslim community, muslim girls, muslim schools, Nursing, old adage, shamim, training, University, veils
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Muslims have no right to wear veils while entering schools, hospitals, markets and public places in Uganda. The new development follows an incidence at Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing when a lecturer sent out two female Muslim girls from class for wearing veils while at school. Ms Olivia Kyere allegedly ousted Ms Shamim Nakitende and […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
December, economic choices, economic perspective, examination, free economies, free market environment, freedom, friedrich hayek, government, intervention, January, liberty award, ludwig von mises, Media, milton friedman, political liberties, political theorists, Prominent, promotion, role, treatment, United States, YEAR
Media Gallery
The Media for Liberty Award seeks to acknowledge and encourage media contributions that explore the relationship between economic and political liberty. The most outstanding entry, published or transmitted in the preceding calendar year (between January 1 and December 31) will receive an award of $50,000. Economists and political theorists have long debated the relationship between […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
academic ability, college, Course, Criteria, Deadline, development, development countries, Email, email international, equivalent, examination, grant, oxford colleges, oxford university, oxforduniversity, Reach Undergraduate, scholarship application, scholarships, social commitment, Study, Subject, Undergraduate Scholarships, undergraduate subjects, University
Undergraduate Scholarships
Reach Undergraduate scholarships: A number of Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford scholarships to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries. Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria: This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic […]
By Gerald Businge on February 1, 2012
alex, arua district, criminal investigations department, development, enoch, examination, influence, journalists, Man, marijuana, medical examination, mortuary, Nyanzi, ofTanganyikavillage, osman, police cells, postmortem, resident, status, two children
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The police inUgandahave arrested a man who reportedly acted under the influence of marijuana and killed his two children both boys, Walakira Nyanzi reports. Abdullah Jamal, a resident ofTanganyikavillage inDadamuSubCountyin Arua reportedly killed the children and reported himself to police claiming that he did not have food to feed the children. The Criminal Investigations […]