
High percentages of fats cause colorectal cancer

  A human body can have fats ranging between 50 to 200 billion fat cells distributed around the body. For most females (women), a high percentage of the subcutaneous fat tissue surrounds the areas of the breasts, waist, hips and buttocks. However, most males have a high percentage of fats distributed around the chest, abdomen […]

Advantages of eating fish

  By eating more fish, you are automatically eating less red meat and processed meats like sausages, hotdogs or bacon. So this means you are eating less artery-clogging saturated fats. Omega-3 fats in fish also improve blood flow by reducing inflammation in the arteries and making blood less likely to clot. They also boost the […]

Health ways to lose weight

  Healthy ways to lose weight are many. But in this news report we shall give you a few ways out of the very many. Reduce intake of refined and sugary foods, eat less fat, and reduce food intake without giving up your favourite foods. Walk at least 5kms in 45 minutes one time each […]