By Isaac Senabulya on May 25, 2016
Arms, fire arms, Gun laws, guns, Parliament, ParliamentGun law, Uganda joint Christian council, UJCC
Latest Uganda News, Laws, Security

Members of the Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC) have petitioned parliament demanding the law on the control of guns and small arms. They also want government to ratify and domesticate the international treaties it has signed on the control of arms. The leader of the petitioner and executive secretary Uganda joint Christian council Rev. Fr .Sylvester […]
By Isaac Senabulya on December 16, 2015
elections, fire arms, fort portal, National council youth polls, youth
Elections, Latest Uganda News, Uganda 2011 General elections

Following the conclusion of what they termed as unfair youth elections in the national council youth polls in Fortportal, youth under the Uganda youth network are raising concerns over the continued escalation of firearms by fellow youth whom they now fear are putting lives of the citizens at risk. Ahmed Haji from the youth network who […]
By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2011
Auto, behalf, bill, Constitutional Court, contravene, court, Draft, extent, fire arms, fundamental rights, gag, gatherings, management bill, mukasa, order, order management, Parliamentary, parliamentary affairs, power, Ssebugenyi, state, submission
Latest Uganda News
The Uganda law society has quashed the public order management bill currently before the committee on legal and Parliamentary affairs, saying its’ not good in its current form. Making a submission on behalf of the society, the President of the society James Mukasa Ssebugenyi says if the bill is passed into an act in its […]
By Gerald Businge on June 25, 2011
East Africa, fire arms, Richard Mugisha, small arms
Latest Uganda News
Eastern Africa action network on small arms has listed easy accessibility to small arms and ammunition as the leading contributor to death by gun violence. In this call the Uganda Action network on small arms on this issue warned against gun violence and misuse of ammunition in the world. Addressing journalists during the launch of the global […]