By Gerald Businge on January 20, 2012
answer, Finance, finance minister, finance ministry, foreign affairs, foreign affairs ministry, kiwanuka, learnt, Media, Minister of Finance, ministry, ministry activities, ministry of foreign affairs, ministry officials, Miria, money, neck, office, quarterly releases, receptionist, spies, yesterday
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
All is not well in the ministry of foreign affairs and that of the finance as far as quarterly finance releases are concerned. Spies have learnt that yesterday the minister of finance, Miria Kiwanuka went into hiding when she noticed that a team from the ministry of foreign affairs had visited her office over the […]
By Gerald Businge on December 15, 2011
Ambassador, amin, babe, civil service, closest friend, Foreign, foreign affairs, job, long time, ministry, Munyankole, office, permanent secretary, reign, relationship, rhoda, secretary, time, today, uganda, Uganda Ambassador Mugume, woman
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Stories Unusual
Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary, Ambassador James Mugume who has been bedridden for a long time has resumed office and immediately praised Ms Rhoda Keisho, a Munyankole babe who has been working in his absentia. Mugume in a meeting he held today at the ministry’s head offices told staff that Keisho did a very big job […]