By Gerald Businge on March 16, 2012
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Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship: The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented students and young researchers from developing countries. The scholarships enable the students to further develop as individuals and to make important contributions to the development of their own countries. The Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship is for Master and PhD studies at the University […]
By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
award, award period, development, Eric Bleumink Fund, fund awards, fund scholarship, fund scholarships, grant award, home, living allowance, lodging arrangements, Masters, Netherlands, phd candidates, phd studies, purpose, scholarships, Study, subsistence, travel, University, university of groningen netherlands
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship: The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented students and young researchers from developing countries. The scholarships enable the students to further develop as individuals and to make important contributions to the development of their own countries. The Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship is for Master and PhD studies at the University […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
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East Africa Scholarships
Hilde Back Education Fund: Thousands of bright children in Kenya especially in the rural areas continue to drop out of primary and secondary school because of lack of funds. Hilde Back Education Fund (HBEF) is a charitable community-based group registered under the laws of Kenya to pursue the following objectives: To provide education scholarships and […]
By Gerald Businge on February 16, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarships: Each year, the MMMF awards grants to women from developing countries engaged in graduate studies in the United States or Canada. The applicants must be at least 25 years of age, must have demonstrated a commitment to work for the benefit of women and children in the developing world, and […]