By Gerald Businge on January 25, 2012
Bebe Cool, boda, bodas, cars, celebrity, city, Crew, doesn, first lady, foot, Gargamel, House, informers, life, new wheels, shopping, singer, taxi, taxis, Zuena
Celebrity gigs, Gossip
Gargamel crew first lady and singer Bebe Cool’s wife Zuena has turned to using boda bodas and taxis to move around the city. Zuena, a mother and also an upcoming artist has been seen a number of times by our informers in Kampala jumping into taxis or on boda bodas like ordinary persons. Recently Zuena […]
By Gerald Businge on December 29, 2011
Bebe Cool, bodas, cars, celebrity, city, Crew, doesn, first lady, foot, Gargamel, girl, House, informers, new wheels, shopping, singer, taxi, taxis, transport, Zuena
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Gargamel crew first lady and singer Bebe Cool’s wife Zuena has turned to using boda bodas and taxis to move around the city. Zuena, a mother and also an upcoming artist has been seen a number of times by our informers in Kampala jumping into taxis or on boda bodas like ordinary persons. Recently […]