
Importance of eating garlic

Importance of eating garlic

Garlic (or alliums sativum) is a wonder plant and it’s a member of the Lily family and perhaps a cousin to onions and leeks. Alliums sativum (garlic) may help to improve iron metabolism because the daily sulfides in it can help increase production of protein called FERROPORTION. Garlic is what scientists call aseleniferous plant since […]

How to control cold

How to keep a cold at bay? Keep the neck, shoulders, ears and head warm. Cause your body to sweat, drink hot herbal teas but green tea is the best according to the world health experts. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and once a week eat a plant-based diet. Go for garlic, […]

Garlic has anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal and anti oxidant properties

  In our first issue on garlic, we told you that dried and or powered garlic boosts your immunity, and to get most out of garlic, it is recommendable that you consume it in raw form. But in this issue, we are concentrating on the benefits of consuming a piece of garlic for a day. […]

Dried or powered garlic boosts your immunity

  Our health news team today is informing you how garlic can better be used to get most out of it. Several herbal clinics, hospitals and small health centres recommend people to add garlic on their daily menu. To get most out of garlic, it is recommendable that people consumes or eats in its raw […]