By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
academic background, Course, education applicants, good communication skills, graduate, ILO, ilo official, internships for undergraduates, knowledge, law economics, less than three months, level, mandate, order, org, spanish skills, Study, subsistence costs, understanding, written knowledge
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
Internships with the ILO provide an opportunity for selected undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who are pursuing a course of study or work in fields related to the ILO’s mandate and activities to: (a) increase their understanding of relevant issues at the international level by involving them directly in the work of the Office and […]
By Gerald Businge on November 2, 2011
Ångström Laboratory, Area, Auto, body, chemistry material science, concept, date, department, Draft, good communication skills, Laboratory, material science engineering, microsystems technology, PhD Scholarships, position, scholarship description, scholarship provider, Scholarship Sweden 2011, Solid, solid state electronics, time measurement, University, university scholarship, Uppsala, Uppsala University, uppsala university sweden
PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
This position will link our specializations in microfluidic technology with that of active electronic device technology at the Division of Solid State Electronics at the same department. Starting date as soon as possible. As a revolutionary technology, stretchable electronics has been changing our concept of electronics and brought us amazing features in numerous applications.