By Gerald Businge on February 14, 2012
ballad singer, blood, body, cause, centre, family, Fred Maiso, Health, health centre, high blood pressure, kampala, kya, love, maiso, mourners, music lovers, oli, pressure, Report, singer, ulcers, yesterday morning
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Many music lovers in Uganda since yesterday have been mourning the death of the love ballad singer Fred Maiso. Maiso, the singer behind Oli Kimuli Kya Rosa, died yesterday morning at Mirembe Health Centre, in Kampala. John Maiso, the brother to the deceased has told mourners in Kampala that Maiso died of high blood pressure, […]
By Gerald Businge on January 26, 2012
appetite, blood, bribery, Central, date, election rally, FDC, Former, high blood pressure, Jinja, Member, member of parliament, Nabeta, NRM, pals, Parliament, pressure, race, treatment, undergoing treatment, victory, Vote rigging, voter
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Former Member of Parliament for Jinja Central, Nathan Igime Nabeta we have heard he has developed high blood pressure. His pals have told us that yesterday he failed address a by election rally at Jinja Industrial area because he is undergoing treatment. His pals also tell us that Nabeta developed the pressure on the day […]
By Gerald Businge on December 27, 2011
controversy, Corruption, district, district commissioners, duty, duty roster, hideouts, high blood pressure, IGG, inspector general, jurisdiction, nbsp, president, public officials, public servants, rdc, resident, roster, something, Yoweri, yoweri museveni
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
A controversy in assignments has risen up between Inspector General of Government’s (IGG) office and the resident district commissioners across the country. Under Ugandan laws it is the Inspector General of Government (IGG) mandated to follow up the corrupt public servants and bring them to book. However the president of Uganda , Gen. Yoweri […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
Auto, chief magistrate, court judgment, dismissal, Draft, elections act, half, half hours, high blood pressure, home, judgment, Kibuuka, maurine, Member, member of parliament, Monday, NRM, order, parliamentary career, party, presidential elections, seat
Latest Uganda News
Ultimate Media The former Member of Parliament for Lubaga North, Singh Katongole has reportedly developed high blood pressure after losing his seat to his rival, Moses Kasibante on Monday 24/oct/2011. We have been reliably informed that Singh has not eaten anything and he is bedridden at home since Monday when the High Court sitting inKampala declared […]