By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
basis, benefit, chance, female applicants, first come first served basis, Human, ifad, interns, knowledge, mutual benefit, necessary visas, office of human resources, organization, personal history, responsible staff member, staff, supervision, travel, understanding, work environment
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
IFAD Internship Programme: The Internship Programme aims at promoting amongst the participants a better understanding of the United Nations and IFAD. By the term Intern, IFAD intends outstanding undergraduates and graduates students who are offered the opportunity to acquire knowledge of a real work environment to the mutual benefit of both the Organization and the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
ca tel, ccdi, ccil, CDN, Council, envelope, equivalent, fellowship holders, graduate institutions, Human, humphrey fellowship, john peters humphrey, law awards, order, organization, recipient, Science, stipend, student fellowships, worldwide students
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Canadian Council on International Law awards annually up to four John Peters Humphrey Student Fellowships in International Human Rights Law or International Organization. The Fellowships are awarded to outstanding students in order to permit them to pursue full-time graduate studies at leading graduate institutions in Canada or worldwide. Students in Canadian law and political […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
andrew anderson, Blackrock, co dublin ireland, experience, frank jennings, front, honorarium, Human, human rights defenders, international ngo, international organisations, knowledge, law, mandate, October, Representative, role, un declaration on human rights, written communication skills, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Frank Jennings Internship has been set up to give an opportunity for dedicated and talented individuals to gain experience working for the protection of human rights defenders in an international NGO and at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Two interns are selected each year starting one in April and one […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
application visit, Area, Fellow, fellowship website, grant, Human, human rights practitioners, illegal imprisonment, juvenile detention education, leave, Oak, oak foundation, political prisoners, prison privatization, prisoners of war, purpose, racial discrimination, reflection, Study, time
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Oak International Human Rights Fellowship: The Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights was established in 1998 by a generous grant from the Oak Foundation. Each year, it hosts an Oak Human Rights Fellow to teach and conduct research while residing at the College. The Institute organizes lectures and other events centered around […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
application visit, award, award nominations, candidate, courage, dutch government, dutch minister, expression, Human, human rights defender, human rights defenders, minister of foreign affairs, moral courage, personal consequences, recognition, result, risk, statuette, visibility, winner
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards
Human Rights Defenders Tulip Award: Nominations are now being accepted for the Human Rights Defenders Tulip award. Anyone can nominate a candidate for the human rights defenders award. The award, an initiative of the Dutch Government, will be presented by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs on 9 November. The Human Rights Defenders Tulip is […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
advancement, allowance, australian postgraduate award, Conditions, Course, equivalent, graduate, h2a, Human, law scholarship, melbourne research, rate, research candidates, research degree, research scholarship, scholarship application, scholarship benefits, Study, University, university of melbourne
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Human Rights Law Scholarship – University of Melbourne: The Human Rights Law Scholarship (HRS) is awarded to applicants wishing to undertake graduate research studies at the University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights. Law Scholarship Benefits & Conditions Human […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
accordance, cadre, declaration of human rights, forum, FREE, free grants, free scholarships, global human rights, Human, human rights activists, human rights in the new millennium, human rights principles, Millennium, Objectives, purpose, range, tolerance education, universal declaration of human rights, universal human rights, York
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards, Sciences Scholarships
Human Rights Summer Institute: The Human Rights Summer Institute (HRSI) is an intensive scholarship program for international high school students in New York City. The purpose of the program is to provide a forum for young leaders to explore local and global human rights issues. Through out the program a range of concepts and methodologies […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
andrew anderson, candidate, co dublin ireland, education, Fellowship, front, honorarium, Human, human rights defender, human rights defenders, human rights education, human rights mechanisms, involvement, negative consequences, range, relevant audiences, risk, security, training, training security
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Front Line Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders: Each year Front Line recruits two human rights defenders at risk to take part in a 6 month fellowship and training program. The locations could include Dublin, Brussels etc. Selected participants work on a specific project related to the international protection of human rights defenders as well as […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, capacity, change, education, experiential, form curriculum vitae, grants training, Human, human rights education, human rights educators, human rights institutions, human rights organizations, IHRTP, international grants, law scholarships, law school scholarships, montreal quebec canada, role, scholarships, training, understanding, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program: The International Human Rights Training Program is a three-week participatory training on human rights education conducted around June of every year for human rights educators. The training is conducted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The annual three-week training session brings together approximately 120 participants from over 60 countries. The International […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, capacity, change, education, experiential, form curriculum vitae, grants training, Human, human rights education, human rights educators, human rights institutions, human rights organizations, IHRTP, international grants, law scholarships, law school scholarships, montreal quebec canada, role, scholarships, training, understanding, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Environment issues
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program: The International Human Rights Training Program is a three-week participatory training on human rights education conducted around June of every year for human rights educators. The training is conducted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The annual three-week training session brings together approximately 120 participants from over 60 countries. The International […]