By Samuel Wamuttu on July 25, 2016
acrobatics, art and craft, cultural clusters, cultural heritage, dance, diverse cuisine, drama, dressing (Fashion), exhibition of culture, Gallaxy international school and Kitante Primary School., historical traditional tales and legends, humanity, international community, Labour and Social Development, local brew, magic shows, Ministry of Gender, Ministry of Tourism, music, National Kingdoms, Perfect Events, poetry, tourism culture, Turkish light academy, Uganda International Cultural Fair, wealth creation and unity, Wildlife and Antiquities, wine testing
Art, Arts & Beauty, Beauty, Events, Fashion, Leisure, Society & Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Preparations for the Uganda International Cultural Fair are in top gear at the Uganda Museum in Kampala that is slated for the 29th to 31st July 2016. As a way of drumming up support for the event, the Uganda Tourism Board late last week organised the Uganda international cultural fair Schools’ cultural quiz media briefing […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
arthur clark, award, cad 6, conflict areas, conflict prevention, department, exceptional circumstances, Fellowship, global citizenship, government mediation, home, humanity, Pathology, peace studies, Professor, time practitioners, travel, University, university of calgary, well-being
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Dr. Arthur Clark, Professor in the department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary has been the primary supporter and funder of the Consortium for Peace Studies since its inception. As Director of the Irma Parhad Programmes, established in memory of his late wife to recognize humanity’s […]
By Gerald Businge on March 12, 2012
accountability, Army, chance, conflicts in africa, democratic change, escape, escape goat, FDC, humanity, Joseph Kony, Kony, leader, love, LRA, Northern Uganda, rebel leader, travel, ugandan army, Ugandan government, UPDF, usa support, war
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Let me join the fray on the LRA rebel Leader Joseph Kony ‘2012.’ Why am I not getting as angry as most people around the world seem to be about the documentary on the atrocities Joseph Kony and his rebels have reportedly committed against humanities? In the documentary Russell does mention that Joseph Kony has […]
By Gerald Businge on February 23, 2012
Blue, bob watson, decision, development, emil salim, end, governance, governing council meeting, human solutions, humanity, james hansen, measure, nairobi kenya, national oceanic and atmospheric administration, news, org, paper, planet prize, Prize, rio earth summit, secretary, susan solomon, Top
news & events, Public Platform
News Release Top scientists will tomorrow (20 February) urge governments to replace GDP as a measure of wealth, end damaging subsidies, and transform systems of governance to set humanity on a new path to a better future — or risk climate, biodiversity and poverty crises that will spawn greater problems worldwide. These are among the […]
By Gerald Businge on January 23, 2012
Chamber, court, crimes against humanity, Criminal, deputy, election violence, evidence, head of operations, humanity, International Criminal Court, International Criminal Court rules, Kenya election violence, Kenya ICC trail, kenya politics, kenyatta, Kosgey, mohammed hussein, Ocampo six 6, peter kaul, Rome Statute, Ruto, Sang, today, war crimes
news & events, Public Platform
Pre-Trial Chamber II (PTC II) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered its decisions on whether to move to trial two cases against six individuals allegedly responsible for the commission of crimes against humanity during post-election violence in 2007-2008 in Kenya . The ICC is the world’s first permanent international court to prosecute war crimes, […]
By Gerald Businge on January 20, 2012
CPS, DVDs, humanity, international military tribunal, kampala, Nazi, nazi film, nazi germany, nazi leaders, Nurembergs, Pare, party, Police, police detectives, prosecutor, robert jackson, screening series, series, Supreme, uganda, us supreme court, world war ii
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Police has banned screening series of Nazi Germany films in Kampala and across the country. The films banned are about the cruel trial of the former leaders of the Nazi political party in Germany . The leaders were tried after the end of World War II. Police have learnt that some cinemas in Kampala since […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
accountability, arrest warrant, Civil Society organizations, coalition for the international criminal court, crimes against humanity, Criminal, execution, genocide, government spokesman, humanity, ICC, International Criminal Court, jurisdiction, justice, libyan authorities, Muammar, Muammar Gaddafi, news, Rome Statute, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Abdullah, security council resolution, war
news & events
News Release International Criminal Court (ICC) suspect and former director of military intelligence in Libya—was captured in the south of Libya. His arrest follows the reported capture on 19 November 2011 of ICC suspect Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, former Libyan government spokesman and son of former Libyan leader of Muammar Gaddafi. The ICC is the world’s […]