By Walakira on February 27, 2013
air, immunity, influenza, virus
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Seasonal influenza epidemics occur every year in many countries including America, England, South Africa and Austria. Countries are able to treat flu with vaccines and our bodies can fight the known infections as well. A flu epidemic is a world wide epidemic caused by a new virus to which the populations will have […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
body, cheese, diet, exercise, garlic, green tea, heart, herbal teas, immunity, intake, neck, neck shoulders, sugar intake, tea, teaspoon, vitamin c, world health experts, yogurt, zinc
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
How to keep a cold at bay? Keep the neck, shoulders, ears and head warm. Cause your body to sweat, drink hot herbal teas but green tea is the best according to the world health experts. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and once a week eat a plant-based diet. Go for garlic, […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
ailments, allicin, bad breath, chemical, chemical compound, clove, clove of garlic, compound, consuming, garlic, health benefits, immunity, issue, manganese, oxidant, plant, selenium, smell
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
In our first issue on garlic, we told you that dried and or powered garlic boosts your immunity, and to get most out of garlic, it is recommendable that you consume it in raw form. But in this issue, we are concentrating on the benefits of consuming a piece of garlic for a day. […]
By Gerald Businge on May 30, 2012
alcidine, body, diseases, Dried, Food, form, garlic, garlic tablets, Health, health news, hospitals, immunity, medical experts, menu, news, news team, team, today
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Our health news team today is informing you how garlic can better be used to get most out of it. Several herbal clinics, hospitals and small health centres recommend people to add garlic on their daily menu. To get most out of garlic, it is recommendable that people consumes or eats in its raw […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
affair, Ambassador Abdullah Bujeldain, asylum, diplomatic immunity, Foreign, foreign affair, Gadaffi, government of uganda, immunity, leader, libyan ambassador, libyan embassy, libyan government, libyan leader, money, Muammar, Oryemu, president, President Museveni, uganda, Uganda government
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
He was once a happy man and a diplomat. But all his happiness fell with the downfall of the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadaffi. After Gadaffi, a man who loved all Africans, Arabs and Muslims with all his heart was killed near Tripoli, the problems of Libya’s ambassador to Uganda, Ambassador Abdullah Bujeldain ensued. The […]