By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
attempt, basis, cooperation, design implementation, evaluation, exposure, focus, graduate level students, interested candidates, length, organization, oriented studies, practical experience, sectoral, technical cooperation, thematic focus, time, time basis, unifem, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
UNIFEM Internships: The UNIFEM Internship Programme offers a small group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNIFEM’s work. It is designed to complement women’s development-oriented studies with practical experience in various aspects of multilateral technical cooperation, but also complements other international studies, including law. Internship assignments vary greatly in terms […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
accommodation costs, Airfare, Blackrock, co dublin, front, Human, human rights defenders, human rights mechanisms, interest, interested candidates, mary lawlor, marylawlor, org, Peking, postgraduate students, statement of interest, training, University, visa applications, writing in english
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Front Line offers a 6 month internship for postgraduate students of the University of Peking’s International Human Rights Programme. This six-month programme is based at Front Line’s offices in Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Selected participants work on a single identified project related to the international protection of human rights defenders and engage in training appropriate to […]