By on October 16, 2012
investors, IPO, share, UMEME
Business news, Latest Uganda News

The Capital Markets Authority and the Uganda Securities Exchange have finally approved the long-awaited UMEME Initial Public Offer.The double approvals effectively kick-start the power distributor’s capital raising initiatives on the USE and later on the Nairobi Stock Exchange, starting on Monday. This means UMEME’s will now have a 38.6 per cent share capital. UMEME general […]
By Walakira on September 13, 2012
government, Hima Cement, investors, transaction
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Following a report that was contained in the Red Pepper of August 20th 2012, titled “government loses $1.3bn to fake investors,” alleging that cement worth $3m went missing from Hima cement factory in Kases, the general manager of Hima cement clarifies that their company has never entered into any transaction with the government of Uganda […]
By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2012
breathing, colour, Environment, environment minister, hand, investors, Lake Victoria, land, land tittles, minister, ministry, Miria, Mutagamba, natural vegetation, vegetation, wetlands
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The ministry of Lands and Environment organised a pre NEMA day in Luzira in one of the wetlands that had been reclaimed by the so called investors. This area measuring approximately 50 acres had been reclaimed by the investors destroying all the natural vegetation and the Lake Victoria breathing point and this was very visible […]
By Gerald Businge on January 23, 2012
advocates, blocker, China, deal, dealer, dime, doesn, DP, fraud, homosexuals, investors, land, Middle East, money, mukasa, president, series, statehouse, uganda, young lawyer
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Some people around the country have been baffled and wondering where the legal advisor of DP, Mukasa Fred Mbidde is getting all the money he is splashing in town. Many people have been overheard alleging that Mbidde gets the money from statehouse, fraud and others claim that the young lawyer receives money from homosexuals. […]
By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2011
bank, bonus shares, Capital, Capital Markets Authority, cma, Communications, communications manager, effect, investors, kampala, manager, Moureen, Nakyanzi, requirement, shareholders, Stanbic, stanbic bank, uganda
Latest Uganda News
Stanbic Bank Uganda has started issuing bonus shares to some of its investors as the institution seeks to grow its capital base to match well with the Bank of Uganda capital requirement. This has come after the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) cleared Stanbic Bank last month to issue 5,118,866,970 shares to its listed shareholders. The […]