List of registered political parties and organisations

1. Action Party [AP] 2. Activist Party 3. Bridge Party [BP] 4. Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO) 5. Conservative Party [CP] 6. Democratic Party [DP] 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU] 8. Forum for Democratic Change [FDC) 9. Forum for Integrity in Leadership [FIL] 10. Justice Forum [JEEMA) 11. Liberal Democratic Transparency [LDT] 12. Movement for Democratic […]

Opposition recruits rebel groups

The army and police are probing reports that FDC and other opposition parties are secretly recruiting people into rebel activities. This follows intelligence reports last week that led to arrest of two opposition cadres in Nansana who had been reportedly recruited into rebel activities. Sources in CMI have told us that they have recruited some […]

Opposition free to attend NRM meetings

Members of opposition are now free to start attending NRM closed door meetings if they so wish. A source in NRM parliamentary caucus has intimated to us that the supporters of DP, FDC, UPC, JEEMA and PPP among other opposition party are free to go to Kyankwanzi when the president summons NRM cadres to go […]

Uganda UYD to join IPC

The Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) a youth wing of the Democratic Party has indicated its intentions to join the opposition alliance of Inter-party cooperation (IPC) in preparation for the coming 2011 Uganda General elections. The Uganda currents political parties under the IPC alliance are JEEMA, FDC, UPC and Conservative party. The head of UYD Susan […]