Kabarole district

Local leaders decry shoddy work by contractors in the district

The Kabarole district Resident District Commissioner Elijah Biryabarema has condemned the widespread shoddy works in the district which he says have undermined the District’s progress. Biryabarema’s remarks were in disapproval of work on the Kyairumba Primary School’s playground which he inspected in Hakibale Sub County. The RDC says the 8.5 million shillings spent on the […]

Uganda local authorities’ association to hold extra ordinary meeting

Preparations ahead of the extra ordinary general assembly of the Uganda local authorities’ association to be held in Kabarole district are in high gear according to the district chair person Rwabuhinga Richard. Rwabuhinga says that the extra ordinary meeting is to take place at Kalya courts hotel in Maguru south division in fort portal municipality. […]

Housing estate closed over poor hygiene

Karambi sub county authorities have to day closed housing estates belonging to one Musoka Kilodo in Kitembe village on grounds of poor hygiene and wetland encroachment. Led by the sub county Chief Mwebesa Perezi, the sub county chairperson Kagoro Emanuel, the sub county district representative Mashuhuko Joseph among other leaders, ordered the relocation of over […]

More efforts needed to improve universal primary and secondary education

Hakibale sub county authorities have launched an education campaign to arrest all parents who sabotage government programs of Universal primary and secondary education. Edison Businge the chairperson Hakibale Sub County says that most parents have not been fully supporting their children despite government’s initiatives to provide free education. Businge calls upon other local council leaders […]

Kabarole residents excited about new bridge

Residents of Bukuku and Karangura sub-counties in Kabarole district are excited about the construction of the new Mukumiri Bridge that connects the two sub-counties. Residents said that they have been having a problem in transporting their produce from the mountainous sub-counties to Fort Portal town due to impassable roads and lack of bridges along  the roads […]

Kabarole district Leaders decry poor work by contractors

Karambi sub county leaders in Burahya county Kabarole district have blamed the Kabarole district Chief Administrative Officer Juma Nyende and the district Engineer Wakatama for contracting incompetent contractors. The leaders’ blame follow a move by Kabarole district local government to construct a four stance public latrine at Butebe community hall which the leaders say is […]

Bank of Africa gives motorcycle loans to clients in Kabarole

Kabarole Boda Boda SACCO in partnership with Bank of Africa has secured six Bajaj Boxer motocycles under the Bank’s loan scheme.   Speaking during the function of handing over the motorcycles at the SACCO offices in west division fort portal municipality, the SACCO chair person Rwabwera William challenged the beneficiaries to work harder and finance […]