By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
basis, benefit, chance, female applicants, first come first served basis, Human, ifad, interns, knowledge, mutual benefit, necessary visas, office of human resources, organization, personal history, responsible staff member, staff, supervision, travel, understanding, work environment
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
IFAD Internship Programme: The Internship Programme aims at promoting amongst the participants a better understanding of the United Nations and IFAD. By the term Intern, IFAD intends outstanding undergraduates and graduates students who are offered the opportunity to acquire knowledge of a real work environment to the mutual benefit of both the Organization and the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
andrew anderson, Blackrock, co dublin ireland, experience, frank jennings, front, honorarium, Human, human rights defenders, international ngo, international organisations, knowledge, law, mandate, October, Representative, role, un declaration on human rights, written communication skills, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Frank Jennings Internship has been set up to give an opportunity for dedicated and talented individuals to gain experience working for the protection of human rights defenders in an international NGO and at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Two interns are selected each year starting one in April and one […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
coastal states, development, education, Fellowship, human resource development, knowledge, law of the sea, legal regime, level professionals, main objective, new fellowship, Nippon, nippon foundation, ocean, ocean affairs, ocean policy, scholarship application, scholarships, Science, Study, training, UNCLOS
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan concluded a trust fund project agreement to provide capacity-building and human resource development to developing coastal States Parties and non-Parties to UNCLOS through a new Fellowship Programme. The main objective of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for advanced education and training in the field of […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
charlotte waelde, Contact, dissertation topic, distance, edinburgh eh8 9yl, innovation, innovation technology, knowledge, llm degree, postgraduate office, property, range, scholarship application, south bridge, sport and the law, Study, time, understanding, University, university of edinburgh
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
LLM in Innovation, Technology and the Law: The degree of LLM in Innovation, Technology and Law offers advanced study of a range of law or law-related subjects, with an opportunity to develop more detailed knowledge, understanding and research skills in a chosen dissertation topic. The LLM Innovation, Technology and the Law may be taken on […]
By Gerald Businge on June 1, 2012
Contacts, countries with economies, economies in transition, experience, female candidates, gender, gender distribution, government, International, knowledge, law, law graduates, level government, organization, palais des nations, professional duties, scope, selection board, Study, united nations office
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
UN Fellowships Programme, International Law: The fellowships are awarded to qualified professionals from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. They enable mid-level government officials and young university teachers of international law etc., to acquire additional knowledge on international law and on the legal work of the United Nations and its associated bodies. To […]
By Gerald Businge on March 29, 2012
agriculture forestry, Capital, Course, development, institutes, institutions of higher learning, integrated resources, international perspective, knowledge, land, lands management, Management, MSC, multidisciplinary approaches, natural resources management, partner institutes, programme, range, research, research institutions, scholarships, scientific resources, visit
Masters Scholarships
The Joint Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management brings together different expertise and scientific resources of the partner institutes to build advanced human capital, generate and adapt global knowledge for local solutions in dry lands. The programme provides young professionals and scientists an international perspective on integrated resources management approaches in dry […]
By Gerald Businge on March 27, 2012
Agricultural, agricultural productivity, agricultural professionals, agricultural science, agricultural technology, Agriculture, April, Century Borlaug, Century Leadership Program, cooperation, development, entrepreneurial spirit, Fellowship, female applicants, home, knowledge, leadership positions, leadership program, Program, security, technology fellowship, Women, women in agriculture
Africa scholarships, Masters Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to announce the 2012 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) for selected Feed the Future countries. These Fellowships are offered as part of the Feed the Future 21st Century Borlaug […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
academic qualifications, Area, candidate, Criminal, gender representation, International Criminal Court, internship placement, knowledge, level, order, placement, placement candidates, Professional, professional expertise, professional placements, requirements, service category, specialist knowledge, staff, supervision, theoretical knowledge, Visiting Professional, Visiting Professionals
Sciences Scholarships
International Criminal Court – Internships and Visiting Professionals Programme: As an international organisation endeavouring to optimise geographic and gender representation, the Court respects and values diversity and therefore encourages applications from candidates of all nationalities and cultures to its Internship and Visiting Professional Programme. I. Internships Placements The Court offers internships to highly motivated young […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
African, application, candidate, centre, college scholarships, Deadline, development, field scholarship, graduate, Graduate scholarships, Health, knowledge, london university, Nationals, scholarship application, scholarship deadline, Scholarship Eligibility, scholarships, scholarships college, Scholarships for Africans, UCL, University College London
Africa scholarships
African Graduate Scholarships: The University College London offers The African Graduate Scholarships to African Nationals and Permanent residents. The scholarships exist to support African nationals with a high-quality academic and professional background who wish to further develop their skills and knowledge in their specific field. Scholarship Eligibility: The candidate must be an African national and […]
By Gerald Businge on March 15, 2012
art developments, candidates graduate, graduate, Graduate Fellowships, knowledge, level, PhD Fellowships, postgraduate candidates, postgraduate level, priority targets, refresher, Research Fellowships, scheme, Short, specialized training, Study, target, target candidates, term duration, training, Undertake, Upgrade
PhD Scholarships
UNESCO Short Courses Fellowships: The fellowships offered under this scheme are of short term duration (6 months maximum) and are intended for specialized training at the postgraduate level. Priority targets are promising and qualified specialists who seek to undertake advanced research or to upgrade their skills and knowledge of state-of-the-art developments in their field of […]