By Isaac Senabulya on July 14, 2016
Children, diet, Health, malnutrition, Mothers, Nutrition, pregnant women, Women
Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Maternal Health, Personal Helath

Nutrition experts warn that the continued the feeding of children and pregnant mothers with none nutritional foods will impact negatively on the country’s economy and health living of the population. The nutrition specialist at Jinja regional hospital, Toko Mansuru says that most Ugandans have failed to provide their children and themselves with nutritious foods but instead […]
By Gerald Businge on October 29, 2015
Agriculturalists, ATONU, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, malnutrition, Nutrition, Smallholder farm families
Agriculture, Business & Economics, Business news, Finance, Latest Uganda News

Agriculture to Nutrition (ATONU), a six-year project, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on agriculture to deliver positive nutrition outcomes to smallholder farm families was launched in Kampala on Wednesday October 28, 2015. Dr. Lindiwe Sibanda, Head of Mission and CEO of the Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), the lead […]
By Walakira on February 5, 2013
good, good health, malnutrition, red meat
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Avoid food items that make you flush. Doctors at CaliforniaUniversity say that spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol tripwires for most Rosacea sufferers. Sugar and iodized salts may also dilate your blood vessels. Learn which foods bother your skin and eliminate them from your diet. Be careful of foods and drinks that are hot in […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
addition, airborne disease, antibiotic treatment, bacilli, Child, disease, fever, hiv victims, immune system, intestines, kidneys, living with hiv, malnutrition, skin, spine, treatment, tuberculosis tb, weight
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Systems of Tuberculosis (TB) and malnutrition often go together. A child with the disease may fail to gain weight, lose energy, and have cough lasting for more than two weeks. That child may look unhealthy, have prolonged fever and is tired all the time. In addition, a child with TB may find it hard […]
By Gerald Businge on July 11, 2011
Florence Mutyabule, malnutrition, Namutumba district
Latest Uganda News
The number of children who have died of suspected malnutrition in Namutumba district has increased to 23 from 16. This has been confirmed by the woman member for Namutumba Florence Mutyabule. She told journalists in Kampala that more 7 children died of a disease related to malnutrition and she attributed the cause of the deaths […]