By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
biomedical scientists, change, communicable diseases, conduct, Council, health sectors, human resource development, ICMR, Indian, indian institutes, institutes laboratories, international fellowships, international scientists, knowledge, mandate, national health policies, promotion, south cooperation, strengthening, way
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
ICMR International Fellowship Programme: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is the premier national agency for the formulation, promotion and conduct of biomedical research in India. The mandate and policies of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) coincide with national health policies. The Council not only plans and promotes medical research in the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
awareness, body, Bureau, cause cancer, colour, connective tissue, discolouration, importation, irreversible damage, mandate, melanin, national bureau of standards, production, regulatory agencies, skin, skin cancer, skin lightening creams, tissue, toxic chemical, way
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Dangers of skin lightening creams are so many and many skin lightening creams cause cancer. Skin lightening creams inhibits the production of melanin (kills body natural protection). The skin is more susceptible to skin cancer and uneven colour. Hydroquinone is a multi-organ toxic chemical that is rapidly and extensively absorbed through the gut and […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
academic background, Course, education applicants, good communication skills, graduate, ILO, ilo official, internships for undergraduates, knowledge, law economics, less than three months, level, mandate, order, org, spanish skills, Study, subsistence costs, understanding, written knowledge
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
Internships with the ILO provide an opportunity for selected undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who are pursuing a course of study or work in fields related to the ILO’s mandate and activities to: (a) increase their understanding of relevant issues at the international level by involving them directly in the work of the Office and […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
andrew anderson, Blackrock, co dublin ireland, experience, frank jennings, front, honorarium, Human, human rights defenders, international ngo, international organisations, knowledge, law, mandate, October, Representative, role, un declaration on human rights, written communication skills, YEAR
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
The Frank Jennings Internship has been set up to give an opportunity for dedicated and talented individuals to gain experience working for the protection of human rights defenders in an international NGO and at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Two interns are selected each year starting one in April and one […]
By Gerald Businge on March 23, 2012
ceremony took place, decision, education, guest of honour, Guild, guild president, hall, halls of residence, ivory tower, leadership, Makerere, Makerere University, mandate, ministry, party president, president, President Museveni, security, shillings, swearing, swearing in ceremony, University
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Peoples’ money in Uganda is spent extravagantly. We have been told that the swearing in ceremony of the new Makerere University Guild President, Ivan Kata has cost the university 200 millions. The money has been used to buy eats, buffets, sodas and beers just to please the students. The swearing in ceremony took place […]
By Gerald Businge on March 6, 2012
article 60, Badru, central africa, centre, centre of excellence, commission chairperson, Constitution, election management, election period, Electoral Commission, Eng, mandate, Model, model institution, press, referenda, ug, visit, www
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The electoral commission chairperson Prof/Eng. Badru Kiggundu has urged Ugandans to visit the website of the electoral commission Kiggundu while addressing a press conference in Kampalathis morning said that the commission has put a lot of information on the commission website but unfortunately Ugandans don’t visit the site. He says that Ugandans only visit […]
By Gerald Businge on March 6, 2012
article 60, Badru, central africa, centre, centre of excellence, commission chairperson, Constitution, election management, election period, Electoral Commission, Eng, mandate, Model, model institution, press, referenda, ug, visit, www
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The electoral commission chairperson Prof/Eng. Badru Kiggundu has urged Ugandans to visit the website of the electoral commission Kiggundu while addressing a press conference in Kampalathis morning said that the commission has put a lot of information on the commission website but unfortunately Ugandans don’t visit the site. He says that Ugandans only visit […]
By Gerald Businge on November 11, 2011
Auto, Butambala, Butambala district, chief administration officer, compensation, Construction, district chief, Draft, god, gravels, law, mandate, Media, money, officer, payment, quarries, RCC, Reynolds, reynolds construction company, way
Business & Finance, Business news, Latest Uganda News
Butambala district has asked Reynolds Construction Company (RCC) to pay it for the quarrying mines it has in the area. The Butambala district Chief Administration Officer, Joseph Byaruhanga says that they wrote to the RCC head offices asking for payment for the gravels but the company has declined to respond positively. According to Byaruhanga, RCC […]