By Gerald Businge on October 13, 2016
Apollo Kantinti said that they need the money urgently to carry out the constituency and parliament work without delay, Busiro East, Kaliro district woman, Margaret Mbeiza, Members of Parliament flocked their respective banks on Wednesday upon hearing that government had deposited 100 million shillings as part payment for the purchase of their highly anticipated vehicles, Merdad Ssegoona and Kyadondo East, MPs who included those for ; Nansana municipality, Wakayima Nsereko
Latest Uganda News
Members of Parliament flocked their respective banks on Wednesday upon hearing that government had deposited 100 million shillings as part payment for the purchase of their highly anticipated vehicles. MPs say that they rushed to the banks to check their accounts to ascertain whether they had received the car fund but they left the bank […]
By Isaac Senabulya on October 7, 2016
A total of 431 members of parliament want each vehicle at a cost of 200 million shillings., Deputy Speaker, Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda questioned why MPs are not getting their vehicles, Jacob Oulanyah, Kaliro district woman MP, Margaret Mbeiza, Mbeiza raised the concern in parliament during the Prime Minister’s question and answer time for members of parliament, Parliament is under pressure over the delayed granting of vehicles to the members of parliament, Prime Minister, said that the issue of vehicles for Parliamentarians will be addressed by the Parliamentary Commission, said the legislator risk getting into accidents with the current vehicles which are mostly worn out, who wants government and parliamentary commission to give members of parliament their vehicles urgently
Latest Uganda News
Parliament is under pressure over the delayed granting of vehicles to the members of parliament. The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, had promised MPs that they would get their vehicles by October but they have not got them to date. Kaliro district woman MP, Margaret Mbeiza, who wants government and parliamentary commission to give members […]