By Gerald Businge on February 7, 2011
African Scholarships, Arts and Humanities Scholarships, Arts Scholarships, arts/humanities scholarships, East African Scholarships, Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Science Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
The International Ibsen Scholarships will be handed out for the 4th time in 2011. The scholarships are meant to act as incentives for critical discourse in regards to existential and society-related subject matters concerning Henrik Ibsen. Scholarships are applicable to individuals, organizations or institutions within the artistic community. The scholarship funds amount to 1.000.000 NOK […]
By Gerald Businge on August 26, 2010
Erasmus Mundus AGRIS MUNDUS Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, Scholarships for Agriculture Development
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
The Agris Mundus Masters course is a two-year training programme of 120 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) in agricutural development and management of natural resources. The Agris Mundus Masters course objectives are to train students to cope with the current global/international concerns in agriculture and rural development. Graduates will be qualified to identify and critically […]
By Gerald Businge on July 17, 2010
Linoln College Oxford Overseas Graduate Scholarship, Masters Scholarships, Scholarships in UK Britain
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
This scholarship is intended for graduates who already have some other form of financial support. Candidates should have attained a high standard in their previous academic work. Applicants must hold a place, or an offer of a place, at Lincoln College before applying. The award is paid to the successful candidate towards the end of […]
By Gerald Businge on July 13, 2010
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships at Edith Cowan University
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
Edith Cowan University (ECU) are identified amongst the best in the world, with many fulfilling critical roles in our society. Their outstanding achievements have been recognised throughout Australia and internationally through awards, grants, scholarships and prizes. International Postgraduate Research scholarships at Edith Cowan University are restricted only to those applicants wishing to commencing their studies […]
By Gerald Businge on July 7, 2010
Masters Scholarships, Norwegian QUOTA Scholarship Scheme 2011, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships for Africa Developing Countries
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
Norwegian QUOTA Scholarship Scheme 2011 (Master and PhD) for Developing Countries The goal of the Quota Scheme is to give students from developing countries in the South, Central- and East-Europe and Central-Asia, relevant education that would also benefit their home countries when they return after graduation. The programme also contributes to strengthen Norwegian institutions of […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2010
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Research Scholarships, School of Law LLM Scholarships
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
Edinburgh Law School LLM (by Research) and PhD Scholarship 2010 School of Law LLM (by Research) Scholarships Edinburgh Law School will offer one scholarship opportunity to support a student taking the LLM (by Reseach) degree on a full-time basis and commencing their studies in September 2010. Students on the following degrees are eligible to apply […]
By Gerald Businge on June 26, 2010
arts/humanities scholarships, Belgium Scholarship Programme, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Science Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
1) The Belgian offer for 2010 The Belgian Government Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGDC) in collaboration with the Ugandan Authorities. The number of scholarships depends on the budgetary allocation made by the Government of Belgium. For the period of 2009/2012, an amount of 1,000,000 euros […]
By Gerald Businge on June 17, 2010
Joint Japan World Bank Scholarship, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships for Africans
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
In 1987, the World Bank, with funding from the Government of Japan, established the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program for graduate studies in subjects related to economic development. Each year, the Program awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at renowned universities throughout member countries of the Bank. The Joint […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2010
Masters Scholarships, Netherlands Fellowships, PhD Scholarships, Scholarships for Africans
Opportunities & Awards, Scholarships
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are demand-driven fellowship programmes designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 61 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members. The NFP is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the development cooperation budget. Half of the available fellowships should be awarded to […]